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Automatic Payables
Automatic Payables
Yujia Zheng avatar
Written by Yujia Zheng
Updated over a week ago

ARTERNAL now gives you the option to create payables automatically once you pay an invoice. To do so, follow the steps in this article.

  1. In the Transact tab, click on Payables. Next point to the invoice you want to pay. Then, select the Create/View Payment button.

2. a. If you would like to pay the full amount of the invoice, in the Payment History window, select Mark as Paid.

2.b. If you would only like to make a partial payment, select Add Payment, then enter the amounts as desired.

3. A prompt will then appear asking you if you would like to create a payable. Select Yes to create a payable automatically.

4. A pop-up will then appear letting you know that the payable has been automatically created.

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