🤝 Certified by our buyers
Our buyers have rated their purchases with the Top Seller galleries with an average score of over 4.9/5.
📈 Regular sales
Top Sellers regularly sell pieces throughout the year. You can rest assured with an experienced seller.
🙌 Trustworthy
Top sellers update the status of their orders on time, keeping you in the loop every step of the way in order to provide you with the best experience possible. They will make a copy of all the relevant documents available in a PDF format and will send you the original with your order.
🕰 Delivery times met
A Top Seller adheres to the shipping time that is indicated on the record of the work. If the deadline cannot be met, a Top Seller will proactively inform Artsper in order to let you know as soon as possible.
⚡️ Rapid response time
Top Sellers are quick to respond to customer requests, making it easy to do business with them.
✅ Up-to-date stock
Top Sellers take care to update their stocks regularly in order to avoid cancellation of orders due to lack of availability.
Note: We reserve the right to suspend top seller status for any breach.
Note 2: Only paid subscriptions are eligible for the top seller badge.