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Creating Labels (vers. 5)
Creating Labels (vers. 5)
Lucas Tran avatar
Written by Lucas Tran
Updated over 4 months ago

How to create labels?

1. Navigate to Asgard Labels > Profiles > Label Models.

In the Generic Inquiry page of the Label Models form that opens, click on + to add a New Record.

Expected Result: The data entry page of Label Models must open.

On the data entry page, indicate the Model ID. It is the unique identifier that defines the label model in the system. An alphanumeric string with 50 maximum characters must be used.

2. In the Summary Area of the Label Model data entry page, indicate the Description.

The value indicated in the Description field is the identifier of the print action label button when the user prints from the screen selected.

3. In the Summary Area of the Label Model data entry page, identify the Model Type: Label/Group/Snippet.

  • Label: The label itself. Label Model Type is the label that is defined in a printer control language in the template tab.

  • Group: A group of label models. The group model type allows you to group different single labels together and have them all in one place.

  • Snippet: Reusable piece or section of a label. Snippets can be reused in other labels.

4. In the Summary Area of the Label Model data entry page, select the Screen where the label is mapped to

5. To complete the summary information, identify the following:

  • Based On View: The view is the process that tells the system where from the selected screen the label is going to pull data from. The Based On View drives the printing.

  • Format: The unique identifier of the format used on the label model. Formats include dimensions of width and height and print density. It is important to note that the chosen DPI of the label format should match the DPI of the printer.

  • Margin: The space separating text or other elements from the edge of the label; commonly adjusted throughout the label setup.

  • Position Type: Choose between Dots or %

6. In the Setup Tab of the Label Model data entry page, set the Rules for the label.

  • Enable When: The rule that indicates when the label model should be displayed in the toolbar or action menu of the respective form that the label is mapped to. If the label model is visible, you can click on the button to print the label. If not, you will not be able to click the button to print the label.

  • Print When: The rule that indicates when the label model should be printed.

  • Tooltip: A brief description of the use case of the label.

  • Nb. of Copies Expr.: The expression that dictates how many labels should be printed when the print request is made.

  • Language: The programming language that is used in the label template. It is automatically set based on the language preferences set in the Label Preferences (AL101000) form.

  • Category: The category that the label model will take. Allows to set the purpose of the label model.

If the Not checkbox is selected, the contrary of the rule applied will be in effect.

7. The expression tab is the tab where we begin to lay out the foundations of the label. It is on this tab where users select the data element data field mappings and the hardcoded value to place on the label.

For more information on Data Elements and the creation of the elements, please visit the Data Element article.

Begin by adding an expression line by clicking on Add Row in the Expression toolbar.

If the expression is a static value, select the Hardcoded expression type and write the hardcoded value in the Expression column. Set the position of the text field using the Pos. X and Pos. Y columns and select the Font.

If the expression is a dynamic value, select the data elements corresponding to the data field mapping required. The selector in the Data Element column will help with locating the desired element. Set the position of the text field using the Pos. X and Pos. Y columns and select the Font.

Other forms of text manipulations/characteristics that can be added to the text on the label are Justifications, Orientation, and Rules via the Enable when column.

Once all the data elements and static values are inputted, we move on to other parameters that can be added to the label.

8. The graphics tab allows users to add graphical elements to the label like Horizontal, Vertical, and Diagonal Lines as well as Boxes.

a. To add graphical elements, click on "Add Row" on the graphics tab.

b. Select the Graphics Type. (choice: Vertical, Horizontal, Box, Circle, Elipse, and Diagonal)

c. Define the range/area for which the graphic element will follow.

d. Define the degree of thickness of the lines

e. Define the degree of rounding that may be needed on the box.

9. In the Printers tab, assign printer(s) to the label. For full details on printer assignment, visit the Assigning Printers article.

10. After creating the label, in the Form Toolbar of the Label Model data entry page, click on Save and click on RENDER.

Expected Result: The rendered label in an image format is displayed in the right side of the screen.

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