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Hourly Stats Report
Updated this week

You want to check the hourly performance of your ASINs or strategies. Here is how you can read our hourly stats report

Product-level hourly performance report. Find Hourly Stats in the Insights Tab.

Our conversion reporting is based on the PDT time zone


The curves displayed by clicking on the metrics are averages of the selected date range according to the time and group of selected ASINs.

In this example, the curves displayed are the average ACOS per hour for all strategies in the catalog between 5/17/24 - 8/14/24


The value displayed in our table is the average value per hour for each asin based on the selected date range.

The darker the color, the higher the value.

Strategy-level hourly performance report

The different reports presented above can be also displayed at the strategy level

This report is available for all marketplaces except India.

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