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Understanding Astra Metrics
Updated over a week ago

Metric Name



Sum of organic and ad sales

Ad Sales

Sales attributed to advertising efforts.

Ad Orders

Number of orders through advertising


Number of unique visits to your Amazon page by a user within a 24-hour period


Number of times an ad is displayed.

Page Views

Number of times a product detail page is viewed.


Number of times users have clicked on an ad.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Percentage of users who click on an ad after seeing it

Advertising Conversion Rate (CR)

Percentage of users who purchased after clicking on the ad.

  • Formula: CR = ad units sold/ clicks


Total amount spent on advertising.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Price of a sponsored click

  • Formula: Cost/ number of clicks

Mobile Shares

Share of the total session from mobile

  • Formula: sum of mobile session/ sum of total session

Buy Box Win Rate

Percentage of time a seller's product listing wins the Buy Box


Total conversion rate

  • Formula:

SELLERS: All units sold/ sessions
VENDORS: All units sold/ page views

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) Ratio

Ratio of revenue generated from advertising to the cost of advertising

  • Formula: (Ad sales/ Cost) * 100.

Advertising Cost of Advertising (ACOS)

Ratio of ad spend to ad revenue

  • formula: (sum of cost/sum of Ad Sales) *100

Total Advertising Cost of Sales (TACOS)

Spending as a percentage of total sales

  • formula: (advertising cost/ All sales) *100

Ad Sales Share

percentage of sales generated through advertising

Share of Voice (SOV)

Brand presence on page 1 weighted by its rank.

Inventory Metrics


Stock available on Amazon and ready to be sold


Inventory shipped but it but has not yet been received


Inventory already sold but hasn't been shipped to the customer yet


Damaged or expired items that cannot be sold

P&L Metrics

Cost of Gods

Total cost of producing a product


Amount spent on advertising in a given period


- Referral

A fee Amazon charges for each item sold on their platform


Amazon's fulfillment services (storage, picking, packing, shipping, and customer service)

- Storage

The costs for storing inventory in Amazon warehouses


- Shipping

Shipping cost

- Gift Wrap

Cost of wrapping in decorative paper or packaging



Net profit after deducting COGS, taxes, and other expenses.


percentage of remaining as profit after all expenses.

For Vendor accounts, take a look at Manufacturing and Sourcing Metrics

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