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How to setup Atlas in your organization
How to setup Atlas in your organization

Learn how to setup and use Atlas in your organization, and get answers to common questions.

Mark Parnell avatar
Written by Mark Parnell
Updated over a week ago

Atlas is an Atlassian Cloud product and is not available on Data Center or Server.

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How to setup Atlas

You can signup and create a new Atlas workspace from Atlassian's website. You can either:

  1. Create a new site with Atlas, or;

  2. Add Atlas to an existing site

To get existing users on your site access to Atlas, your site admins can activate Atlas for all users. Once active, Atlas is discoverable for all users on your site in the app switcher.

If the person adding Atlas to an existing site is not a site admin, admins will be notified and will need to approve the request to add Atlas to the site.

You can have one Atlas workspace per Atlassian site, and many Atlassian sites per Atlassian organization. Learn more about managing sites and product workspaces for your Atlassian organization.

How does Atlas impact other Atlassian Cloud products I use?

Atlas provides additional sections to user and team profiles, to show the projects and goals people are working on, as well as their reporting lines (if you've synced Atlas with your Identity Provider).

Here are some examples:

How does Atlas manage billing and payments?

Learn more about pricing and billing for Atlas.

What are Atlas' security practices?

Atlas follows all standard Atlassian security practices, including network and operations security, disaster recovery, and data encryption.

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