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Exporting data
Updated over a week ago

Atrius makes it easy to export your data in CSV format for external analysis.

👍 This article will help you:

  • Export interval and bill data for your points and bill points

  • Export metadata for your buildings, points, and bill points

  • Check the status of your in-process exports

There are five main places where you can export data:

  • Buildings

  • Points & Bills

  • Data Manager

  • Baselines

  • Cards

  • Exports app

  • Emissions


Go to Buildings on the left side menu. Switch to the table view at the top right of the page. Select one or more buildings using the checkboxes on the left side of the table. Then, go to Actions > Export building details.

A modal window will appear. Provide a title for the exported file. Then, select the fields you wish to include. Select 'Export'.


Points & Bills

Export data

Go to Points or Bills on the left side menu. Select one or more points or bill points using the checkboxes on the left side of the table. Then, go to Actions > Export data.


A modal window will appear. Provide a title for the exported file. Then, select the Resolution, Metric, Start date, and End date. For points, also select Days of week. Select 'Export'.


You'll receive an email when your export is available, or go to Exports to check the status of your export.

📘 Exporting currencies

If exporting cost data for points, the currency of the assigned pricing schedules are used in the export.

If exporting cost data for bill points, there are two options: use display currency (which will allow the user to export multiple bills of different currencies) or select a single currency to be used for the entire export.

📘 Exporting data across multiple timezones

All data will be exported in the local timezone of the building for each selected point.

If you are exporting source or minute resolution data across multiple timezones, the points will be grouped by timezone into separate CSV files.

Export metadata

To export metadata for your points and bill points, go to Actions > Export point details or Export bill point details.

A modal window will appear. Provide a title for the exported file. Then, select the fields you wish to include. Select 'Export'.


Data Manager

Go to a point or bill point's Data Manager tab. Then, go to Actions > Export data.


A modal window will appear. Provide a title for the exported file. Then, select the Resolution, Metric, Start date, and End date. For points, also select Days of week. Select 'Export'.


You'll receive an email when your export is available, or go to Exports to check the status of your export.


Go to a point or bill point's Baselines tab. Select the dropdown menu on the right side of the table for any baseline, then select 'View baseline data'. In the baseline's Data Manager tab, go to Actions > Export data.

A modal window will appear. Provide a title for the exported file. Then, select the Resolution, Start date, and End date. Select 'Export'.



Go to a dashboard, and select Actions > Download CSV. The downloaded ZIP file will consist of one CSV file per card.

To export the data from an individual card, click the drop-down arrow on the card, and select Download CSV.


Go to Apps on the left side menu, then select Exports. Select from the following options:

  • Export portfolio data - Select the building you want to include, set the period, and get a breakdown by building, over the entire period, summarized by:

    • Resource type: Select multiple metrics including, consumption, demand, cost and emissions to include building summaries in a single file.

    • Emission scope: Export a summary of building emissions broken out by emission scope

    • Reporting category: Export a summary of building emissions broken out by reporting category

  • Export point data - Select the points you want to include and export data as you would from the Points page

  • Export bill data - Select the bill points you want to include and export data as you would from the Bills page

You'll receive an email when your export is available, or go to Exports to check the status of your export.


Go to Apps on the left side menu, then select Emissions. Select ‘Download table’ at the top right of the table. A CSV file will be exported with the contents of the respective tables.

  • When toggled to 'Totals'

    • Download building totals: Exports total emissions by building

    • Download point totals: Exports total emissions by point, including all points that have been added to emissions total

    • Download all factors and totals: Export combined point totals and factors.

  • When toggled to 'Factors'

    • Download building default factors: Exports factors assigned as the building default. These factors are automatically assigned to points within the building, unless specific point-level factors have been assigned.

    • Download point factors: Exports all points and the emission factor used to calculate total emissions. If no point-level factor has been assigned, the building default factor will be displayed.

    • Download all factors and totals: Export combined point totals and factors.

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