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An introduction to the Excel export
An introduction to the Excel export

Including how to access the Excel report and key features of the export.

Updated over 4 months ago

For a full run down of every tab included in your survey, head to this article instead, or read on for a brief introduction to your export.

You can export the results of any survey to an Excel file for further analysis, or to aggregate the data with other results.

In the results dashboard, you can find the Export button at the top right of the page, next to Share. When you choose to export, you will have three different format options: Excel, CSV or PowerPoint.

Otherwise, you can copy and paste results from a single question (with filters and/or answer filters applied or not. Click here for an article on this process.

Key features of the Excel export:

  1. Survey Summary: This tab includes some top level information about your survey, including Titles, total respondents, qualified respondents.

  2. Data Map: This tab lists all the questions asked, the type of question each is and the responses that participants can choose from. 

  3. Master Data: From left to right, this tab includes each respondent's ID (the same ID is used for each respondent across the whole survey, so you can match up answers to different questions by referencing the respondent ID), their demographic profile, and the answers they gave. A "1" within the answer code columns represents that the respondent answered this way, while a "0" represents that they did not choose this option. 

  4. Master Data - Values: This contains the same data as the Master Data tab, but lists the answers using the real text or numerical response, and not a code of "0" and "1". 

  5. Question Summaries: A summary of each question is shown within the Question Summaries tab. This gives an overall breakdown of the answers selected, displaying both absolute values and percentages. Each question also has its own Full Raw Data tab.

  6. Full Raw Data: This tab gives the respondent ID, the question asked, the response given and the demographic profile of each respondent, with one row representing one respondent. 

Remember, more details on each tab can be found in this article

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