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Exporting your results to Excel

Learn more about how you can export your results for further data analysis

Updated over 3 months ago

From your results dashboard you can download the full data set for further analysis in Excel or your chosen analysis tool.

In the results dashboard, you can find the Export button at the top right of the page, next to Share. When you choose to export, you will have three different format options: Excel, CSV or PowerPoint.

If you have send out your survey multiple times, or to different countries, you can choose which file you want to export. You can choose to export all, or only a specific date and/or country. You will also have the option to choose if you want to export this as one consolidated file, or as separate files.

Exporting non-qualified respondents

Our default option is to only export your qualified respondents, this means the respondents that have completed your full survey. If you do wish to include any non-qualifiers in your export, you can uncheck the checkbox.

Different Excel formats

We offer two different Excel formats: the export format and the long export format. The export format is our standard format, with different tabs that we will explain in more detail below. Our long Excel export is built to enable you to easily create pivot tables in Excel.

Which tabs are included in your export?

Both the long and the export format will include the following two tabs:

  • Survey Summary: This tab includes some top level information about your survey, including Titles, total respondents, qualified respondents.

  • Data Map: This tab lists all the questions asked, the type of question each is and the responses that participants can choose from.

And then depending on the format you've chosen you'll have some of the following tabs.

  • Master Data: This tab includes each respondent's ID, their demographic profile, and the answers they gave to the survey.

  • Question Summaries: A summary of each question is shown within the Question Summaries tab. This gives an overall breakdown of the answers selected, displaying both absolute values and percentages.

  • Full Raw Data: This tab gives the respondent ID, the question asked, the response given and the demographic profile of each respondent, with one row representing one respondent.

A more detailed explanation about the tabs in the different export formats can be found in this article.

What can you do with the export?

The Excel export is extremely flexible and offers an easy way to analyse your survey data outside of the interactive results dashboard. As a starting point, you may want to explore creating pivot tables to compare variables within your survey results, merging multiple exports together, or uploading the data to other data analysis tools - our Excel export is easily analysed in R or Python.

For any more help with your results export, don't hesitate to reach out to our in-house team of research experts using the in-platform live chat.

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