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Audio Routing
Updated over a week ago

LiveProfessor has a flexible audio-routing system. At the base is the simple concept that all inputs can sum any number of sources and any output can be split to any number of destinations. This applies to all chains and plugins added outside chains. Plugins inside a chain can not be routed outside the chain as they follow the signal flow inside the chain.

Audio Routing Panel

Audio to and from the currently selected plugin or chain can be routed in the audio routing panel.
Click on one of the chain or plugin inputs/outputs and select the destination/source you want.

Holding down the CMD/CTRL lets you choose multiple sources/targets to split or sum the audio.

In this panel, you can also access the selected processor's input and output gain.

Audio Patch View

The Audio Patch view shows sources (everything that can produce audio) in the vertical column and targets (all destinations) in the horizontal column. The main area shows the connections between sources and targets.To route audio click anywhere in the grid to make a connection.

You can make mulitple connections by clicking and dragging diagonaly.

Holding down the CMD/CTRL lets you choose multiple sources/targets to split or sum the audio.

Holding down the ctrl/cmd key while selecting an input or output will split/sum the signal.

In the lower left part of the audio patch view there are buttons to let you show or hide specific groups of sources and targets.

For sources these groups are Hardware inputs, Chain Outputs and Audio Cue Outputs

For targets the groups are Hardware Outputs and Chain Inputs

Wire View

The wire view presents the entire audio and midi routing as nodes with "wires".

The wire view is great for giving an overview of the patch and for making more complex

routing setups.

The connection points on the nodes are color coded, audio inputs are blue, audio outputs are orange and Midi is pink.

Draging from one connection point to the other makes a connection.

In the wire view, summing and splitting is performend simply by dragging the same connection point to multiple targets, dragging multiple sources to the same target.

Routing using Cues

In addion to preforming manual routing, routing commands can also be performed by the Cue List. An audio route cue sets the audio routing for a specific processor, and can be recalled inside a cue.

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