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Global Snapshots
Global Snapshots
Updated over 2 years ago

Global snapshots save and recall complete setups within the same project.

These snapshots are great for recalling complex changes in the project. Global Snapshots will store all information and recall it based on a Filter specified in each snapshot, much like the snapshot feature on many digital mixers.

Working with Global Snapshots

To create a new Global Snapshot, click the + button in the Global Snapshots panel

To update the currently loaded snapshot with new settings, click the Update button (blue, round, arrows).
If you want to update a specific snapshot with the current settings, click on the options button on the snapshot (cogwheel) and select Update Snapshot

To recall a snapshot, either double-click it or select it and click the Recall button (Green arrow)

You can rearrange the snapshots in the list by drag and drop. You can also organize snapshots in to folders by clicking on the folder button.

What is included in a Global Snapshot

These functions are saved and recalled in a global snapshot:

  • Processing state (Enabled, Bypass, Mute) for all chains and plugins

  • Plugin Settings

  • Audio & Midi Routing

  • Input & Output Gain

  • Chain Name

  • Plugin Order

  • Midi Modifiers, Keyzones and Filter for all plugins and chains

  • Selected Controller Map

  • Selected View Set

  • Selected Work Space

  • Tempo Settings

These functions are not saved and recalled

  • Loading and unloading of plugins, Global Snapshots will not change the type of loaded plugins

  • Project Options

  • Program Options

Filtering Snapshots

The snapshot filter controls what is recalled in each snapshot. Everything is saved in each snapshot and you choose what you want to recall. The snapshot filter for each snapshot can be accessed by clicking on the Filter button on the snapshot you want to edit.

Clicking on each item in the list will toggle its state. Green items will be recalled, and red items will not be recalled.

Default Filter

You can set a default filter to be used for new snapshots by clicking on the settings button (cogwheel) in the filter editor. Then select Use as default filter

Triggering Global Snapshots

Global Snapshots can be triggered by external devices in several ways.

Triggered from Cues

You can add a global snapshot to a cue list. This lets you build set lists and use more advanced options such as wait times and triggering multiple actions at the same time.

Triggered via MIDI Messages

Global Snapshots can be triggered directly via MIDI messages. Wlthough this does not allow for advanced use like the cue lists it serves are a simple and efficient solution when you just want the snapshots to follow the main audio desk for example.

To set up a MIDI trigger, click the MIDI symbol on one of the snapshots, then click the Learn button.
The Snapshot List will listen to all Midi inputs and assign the next incoming message to the snapshot.

Triggered via OSC

Global Snapshot can be triggered using OSC commands.

The command can contain either the snapshot name or the index in the list (zero-based)

/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot number (number)]
/GlobalSnapshots/Recall [snapshot name (text)]

Before OSC commands can be received you either have to enable global OSC commands or add an OSC Controller.

To enable the global OSC commands, go to:

Options > Project Options > Osc Control.

- Enable OSC Control

This turns on/off the sending and receiving of OSC commands. This does not affect any Hardware Controllers added, but it does affect the triggers in the Cue Lists.

- Input Port

The UDP network port that LiveProfessor will listen for OSC Messages on. This should match the port set on the sending device.

- Output Port

LiveProfessor uses this port to send information back to the controller to make it able to display the current state.

- Local Ip Address

This is a list of local IP Addresses found on the system. This is just for convenience and can be used to enter the correct address in the sending device.

Cue lists and fading values

Global Snapshots can be added to a Cue List, this will give better flexibility in building for instance set-lists. as you can have multiple lists with the same snapshot, and the same snapshot can be used multiple times in the same list.

In addition, when added to a cue list, the plugin parameters can be faded by specifying a fade time on the cue. Please note that some plugins contain data that can not be faded, typically presets, samples etc. If you want to avoid loading these big changes and just fade the automatable parameters, you can use the Snapshot Filter and filter out Plugin Chunks.

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