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Accumulated Project Time / Cost Widget
Accumulated Project Time / Cost Widget
Anam Saud avatar
Written by Anam Saud
Updated over a week ago

The accumulated Project Time/Cost Widget empowers Project Managers to keep up-to-date with crucial project data, including Project Budget, Cost, Tracked Time & Expenses, Scheduled Hours, and Uninvoiced details.

What data is included in this widget?

The widget comprises a chart area along with four informational boxes situated beneath it. Within the chart area, users have the flexibility to switch between two different chart types.

Project Cost v Budget Chart

The Project Cost v Budget chart exhibits the project's accrued cost or hours over its entire duration, incorporating future scheduled bookings. The budget and budget threshold are delineated as red and green horizontal lines respectively, providing a clear view of whether the project is on track to surpass the allocated budget.

For projects with a budget type of Project Fee or No Budget, the data is illustrated in monetary terms, while time is depicted for projects with an hours-based budget.

Future scheduled bookings are signified by a grey dotted line on the chart.

Figure: Project Cost Vs Budget

Hours per Week

This chart presents the aggregate of hours tracked weekly for the project. The time that is billable is represented in dark blue, while non-billable time is shown in light blue. The chart provides project managers with a straightforward way to spot any irregularities in the time tracked on a weekly basis.

Figure: Hours per week

Information Boxes

Four information boxes are situated beneath the chart area, detailed as follows:

  1. Budget: This box provides a summary of the project's performance against the budget. It encompasses:

    1. Budget Amount or Hours: Shows the designated budget value. If the Budget Type is 'No Budget', the tracked hours are evaluated based on the billable rate, supplemented by any expense budget set for the project.

    2. Budget Type: Indicates the selected budget type for the project.

    3. Spent Amount or Hours: Includes tracked time, expenses, and bills for amount-based budgets. For hours-based budgets, tracked hours are considered.

    4. Remaining Amount or Hours: This is simply the Budget value minus the Spent value.

2. Timesheets: The total tracked time, divided between billable and non-billable hours, is displayed here.

3. Expenses & Bills: This box showcases the sum of all expenses and bills, also providing a breakdown of billable vs. non-billable expenses.

4. Invoicing: This box reveals the total uninvoiced amount available for the project, based on the project's billable method. Any existing invoice line items linked to this project are included in the Total Invoiced row.

How to add this widget?

To add the Accumulated Project Time / Cost widget to your project, simply navigate to an existing project, select the Summary tab, and click on the Add to Dashboard button. From the list, select the Accumulated Project Time / Cost widget, and it will be added to the Project Summary page.

Figure: Add the widget to the dashboard

Figure: The widget is added to the dashboard

What are the available configuration options?

To configure the widget, click on the settings cog button located in the top right corner of the widget. Here's a rundown of the available options:

  1. Title: You can alter the default name of the widget instance to make it more representative.

  2. Only Deduct Billable Timesheet Hours: This setting is only applicable to hours-based budgets. If 'Yes' is selected, only billable hours will be deducted from the budget.

  3. Deduct Timesheets from Budget Based On: This setting is only applicable to projects with Project Fees or No Budget as the budget type. Choose whether to calculate the tracked time amount based on Billable or Cost Rate.

  4. Deduct Expenses & Bills Amount from Budget: This setting is only applicable to projects with Project Fees or No Budget as the budget type. Enable this option to deduct tracked expenses and bills from the budget amount.

  5. Timesheet Approval Statuses: This option allows you to include only timesheets belonging to the chosen approval statuses. If no selection is made, timesheets from all approval statuses will be included.

  6. Time Format: Choose the format in which you'd like to view the timesheet data.

  7. Expense Approval Statuses: This option enables you to include only expenses belonging to the selected approval statuses. If no selection is made, expenses from all approval statuses will be included.

Remember, you can add multiple instances of the same widget to visualize data with differing settings. Like all other widgets, these can be rearranged and resized as needed via drag-and-drop.

Figure: Widget Settings

Who has access to this widget?

The widget is accessible to all users with Admin, Portfolio Manager, and Project Manager roles. However, for users with solely the Project Manager role, the following project member-level settings need to be enabled for them to access the widget's content:

  • Can manage Project Member Cost & Billable Rates

  • Can manage Fixed Amounts on Projects

We hope you enjoy this feature. For queries and suggestions please contact

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