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Fixed vs. Variable Worksites

What's the Difference?

Written by Tech Owner
Updated over 2 years ago

When you receive your work authorization, it will soon be time for you to move. However, it is very important that you not move until you are certain of your worksite location. Where you move will depend on whether you have a fixed worksite or a variable worksite.

Please ask the Client Services team whether your worksite is fixed or variable. This will save you a lot of headaches!

Fixed Worksites

These worksites have only one location. They are relatively easy in the moving process because you do not need to wait to receive a worksite location from the BDV Client Services Team. You can go ahead and move to the area when you have your SS card. Still, you need to be in touch with our team throughout this process so we can guide you on setting up your date to start work.

Variable Worksites

These worksites have more than one location. Some sponsors have many locations in one city or one MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), meaning that you could work in a suburb of the city on your LC.

For example, we have many clients who work for a sponsor whose main office is in Charleston, SC, but their locations are in North Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Goose Creek, Beaufort, and Port Royal; some of these are up to 1 hour away from each other!

If you move before getting your worksite assignment, you could end up living very far from your location and you would need to commute a long distance or move again. We don't want this frustrating experience to happen to you.

Can I choose where I work?

For Consular Clients

If you are a Consular client (receiving your visa in your home country before moving to the US) who is working at a sponsor with Variable Worksites, please do not secure permanent housing until you know your worksite.

When arriving in the US, we suggest you first stay in either a temporary place (like a hotel or Air bnb) or stay with a friend or family member before securing permanent housing.

When you receive your SS card, we will be able to request your worksite from your sponsor, and then you can secure housing.

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