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Work Related Injury

What happens if I am injured at work?

John Cooper avatar
Written by John Cooper
Updated over 12 months ago

If you have a pre-existing disability (ie - existed before you started work) that needs to be accommodated at work, then please see this article.

If you become injured during your work for your Sponsor, please notify your manager and Human Resources (HR) at your sponsor immediately. Also, please notify Client Services here in the BDV Chat so we may assist you and provide guidance.

Your employer is obligated to report your injury and should give you advice on the next steps. Your sponsor may have a specific medical facility (hospital, doctor, urgent care clinic) which they partner with for medical emergencies. You should go to the medical provider supported by your sponsor. You may also be asked to take a drug test; it is very important that you comply with this request.

Make sure you keep all records (x-rays, doctor notes, etc.) to explain to HR about your injury and the next steps for recovery. You might need to fill out an incident report with your supervisor to submit to HR.

Also, please note that any significant injury or issue where a physician deems you unable or temporarily unable to work, will generally not create issues for your immigration process. However, you should return to work as soon as you are cleared to do so.

Keep in mind Workers' Compensation (employer coverage for injury at work) is mandated and regulated by each state. You will need to research Workers' Comp in your state to learn more.

Please see the articles linked below.

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