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Employee section overview

An overview of what plan administrators can do and view in the employee section

Yafa Sakkejha avatar
Written by Yafa Sakkejha
Updated over a week ago

The employee section is where plan administrators can go to view, add, terminate and update all employee information as it pertains to health benefits. Here's a summary of these items:

  • Employment details:
    Job title, occupation, hire date, active status, and more.

  • Personal Information
    Home address, emergency contact, phone number, and more. 

  • Pay information (only permissible for select plan administrators)
    Salary amount, frequency, and effective dates. 

  • Benefits information
    Coverage factor (single/family), if waiting periods should be applied, class, and more. 

  • Premiums and Adjustments
    Monthly premiums and adjustments reflected on the next invoice.

  • Services, referring to Benefits
    Which benefits, volumes, carriers, and policy numbers are applicable.

  • Family
    "Linked people" refer to beneficiaries or dependents.

  • Documents
    Custom documents can be generated with Beneplan's help - contact us for more information. 

Questions? Feel free to reach us at 

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