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How to terminate an employee from your benefits plan
How to terminate an employee from your benefits plan

How to remove an employees' benefits due to termination

Dusan Baic avatar
Written by Dusan Baic
Updated over a week ago

Here's how to terminate an employee for benefits.

If you need help understanding how long to extend benefits, please contact either your benefits advisor or the Beneplan HR advisor at Benefits extensions can be tricky - reach out for help to understand how to calculate it.

  1. Click on the Employees tab.

  2. Click on the employee you would like to terminate. Please note that you cannot delete an employee, but you can remove them from benefits. The reason you can't delete an employee is for record keeping and audit purposes.

4. Click on the 'Employee Termination' shortcut and follow the steps.

Here's an explanation of what each field means:

  • Employment Status - it's important to provide the most relevant status so that the automations that run in the background are accurate.

  • Last Day Worked - this is the last day the person actually performed their regular duties as a full-time employee.

  • "This person was terminated with no cause" checkbox - this optional checkbox asks if the person was fired for no reason, meaning, benefits must be extended. If you leave this blank, we will assume that they were either fired with cause (meaning no benefits extension), or they quit/resigned (benefits end on the last day worked).

  • The termination date is the termination date of employment.

5. Once you complete this, the Beneplan admin team needs to approve terminations for legal verifications. Further, some terminations may require special approval from an insurer if you are asking for benefits to be extended past the minimum employment standards requirement.

6. Once our team has approved it, you will see the employee listed as 'terminated'. If the employee has been terminated before the 16th in the month, you will not be charged for that individual provided that the termination was inputted before the last day of the termination month. However if they are terminated on the 16th or after, they will still be included in next month's invoice but will be removed in subsequent invoices thereafter.

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