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How to run a census

Run and download a demographic report on a group

Dusan Baic avatar
Written by Dusan Baic
Updated over a week ago

You may need to run a census or demographics report in order to view a list of employees or dependents by age, sex or gender, province of residence, salary (if applicable), class, family status, division, occupation, hire date, date of birth, and more.

To do so, log into the Beneplan client dashboard.

Click on Reports.

Search for 'census' and hit Enter.

Click on the census - you can either download an existing copy if it exists, or run a fresh version.

Click on the triangle arrow 'play' button with 'Run Report' to begin creating the report.

It may take a minute or two, and you can close your window if you prefer to wait offline.

Then download the report by clicking on the arrow button pointing down. You must have Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers or an equivalent software that can read .CSV or .XLS / .XLS files.


If you're not able to download the report, it's most likely because you're either using the wrong browser, or don't have privileges to view data in the report such as salaries or a certain division. If that's the case, please contact support either through the live chat bar in the corner, or emailing

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