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The Birdie Quality Score for Integrated Agencies
The Birdie Quality Score for Integrated Agencies

What is the Quality Score and why do we do it?

Scarlett Aichroth avatar
Written by Scarlett Aichroth
Updated over a year ago

Please note: If you do not have access to these features and you are interested in learning more about Birdie Analytics, Please get in touch to talk to a member of our team!

What is the Birdie Quality Score?

The Birdie Quality Score (Q-Score) has been created in line with the Care Quality Commission's (CQC) Categories. We have created the Q-Score to help our agencies provide the highest quality of care and work to achieve an 'Outstanding' CQC rating.

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There are Five categories that make up your Q-Score - three relating to care delivery and two relating to care management.

The average of the scores across the five categories gives your Q-Score. To find out more about how each category is calculated click the links in the table below.



Example Score

Care Delivery

3 (Good)

4 (Outstanding)

4 (Outstanding)

Care Management

3 (Good)

4 (Outstanding)

Q Score

3.6 (Outstanding)

Each category is marked out of 4 in line with the CQC's scoring system:

  • 1 is Inadequate

  • 2 is Requires Improvement

  • 3 is Good

  • 4 is Outstanding

By matching our in-house data expertise with our understanding of what matters to the hundreds of care providers using Birdie, we have built a set of dashboards which give you an overview of key care & business metrics. The dashboards are a lens through which you can understand the data of what’s going on in your business

Please note: The Q Score is a guide Birdie provides to customers. It will not guarantee a good CQC rating.

How can we help you improve?

Monthly Q-Score Report

The Birdie team creates your personalised Q-Score report based on information taken from your call monitoring software and the Birdie agency hub.

Please note: If you do not have an integrated call monitoring system it is not possible to get these reports. You will have a different report.

Your account manager will send this to you monthly. Using the report you can identify categories where you want to improve and strive to become more: Caring, responsive, person-centred, and safe.

In addition to your monthly Q-Score report, every Monday evening we will send a set of weekly reports to help keep you on track. There are five reports each providing a different view of care delivery and care management.

Using these reports you can drive improvements in your Q-Score by identifying Care recipients & Care professionals needing your attention and support.


Weekly Report

Q-Score Categories Covered

Care Delivery

Care Delivery Trends

Call Monitoring, Medication Monitoring & Caring Staff

Care Delivery by Carer

Care Delivery by Client

Care Management

Care Management Trends

Care Planning & Alert Responsiveness

Care Management by Client

Please note: If you do not have a Q-Score report and weekly report please get in touch with your account manager. You must be using Birdie every day and integrated with a rostering system.

Factors that will impact your Q-score

You may have a lower score than you expected in an area, here are a few tips on what may be causing the score so that you can work to improve it. Your score may be lower if:

  • You are new to Birdie

  • If your Care professionals are not using the Birdie app

  • If your Care professionals are not checking in to scheduled visits

To deep dive into these areas, we suggest reading the below articles or enrolling in the Office Manager course in the Birdie Academy.

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