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Introduction to the MAR chart

Introducing your new and improved electronic mar sheet

Luke Cullimore avatar
Written by Luke Cullimore
Updated over a week ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Core, Advanced, Plus, Care Management and Advanced Care Management packages (Also known as Care Management & Rostering, Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

The MAR chart is a medication monitoring tool that allows you to view and record medication administration for a care recipient. Our eMAR will give you the confidence to reduce medication errors and mistakes and know when to take action if need be. 

The eMAR has a number of icons to allow for more medication events to be covered such as 'Not needed', 'Client inactive' and 'No visit'.

Top tip: You can change your Care Recipient's status to temporarily inactive to avoid getting medication alerts

What do the MAR icons mean?

The below icons will help you to view your Care Recipient's medication history at a glance.

If you want to know more about the status of any medication just hover over the icon. Here, you can easily audit and amend any medication observations. The MAR chart will then be updated with the appropriate icon.

Fully taken

If a medication is fully taken, this will be displayed by a Green icon on the MAR sheet

Partially taken

If a medication is partially taken, this will be displayed by a p/t amber icon on the MAR sheet

Not observed

If a medication was not observed, this will be displayed by a n/o grey icon on the MAR sheet. This will show if explicitly selected by the Care Professionals in-app.

Not taken

When a medication is not taken, this will be displayed by a n/t red icon on the MAR sheet

Maybe taken

When a medication is maybe taken, this will be displayed by a m/t amber icon on the MAR sheet. The Maybe take option is only available in the agency hub, this is typically used if you want to record a dose but are not 100% sure of the outcome yet

PRN medication

If your Care Recipient has PRN medication, these are not required, and if they are not recorded they will appear as a dash on the MAR sheet

No record

Missing medication reports are displayed by a grey question mark on the MAR sheet

If your Care Recipient is inactive or a visit isn't scheduled

When your care recipient is inactive, temporarily or otherwise the MAR sheet will be greyed out to indicate this and you will no longer receive a 'Missed medication alert'

If your Care Recipient self administers their medication

If your Care Recipient self-administers their own medication, this will be shown as a greyed-out box with the letters s/a in the icon

If your Care Recipient doesn't have a visit scheduled

If you are using visit planning, you will have an additional No visit icon that will be displayed if no visit is scheduled or if a medication is not assigned to a visit card

The medication record has been edited

If you have edited a medication on the MAR, you will see a dark grey triangle in the corner of the medication record. This indicates that this medication has been edited or updated. You can click on this to see more information on who made the change and what actions they took.

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