The Birdie - CareFree integration allows you to use your CareFree rostering integration alongside your Birdie care management software.
Birdie and CareFree are able to share data across the systems, for example, some client information you enter on CareFree will be 'pushed' across to Birdie, meaning you will not have to enter the same information twice.
What Birdie syncs for carers
The status of the caregiver
Which client the caregivers are assigned to
Admin status
What Birdie syncs for clients
The status of the client
Scheduled visit dates and times
What information is 'pushed' from Birdie to CareFree?
The actual visit date and time including check-in and check-out times
What information is sent from CareFree to Birdie?
7 days' worth of visits every morning (around 1-3 am)
Changes to calls for a rolling 48-hour period in real-time, meaning if there is a change to a call (or a new call) in the next 48 hours, it will be synced within 5 minutes.
If there is a change to a call (or a new call) in the next 3-7 days, birdie will sync this change the next morning
Call cancellations, you should deallocate the visit rather than delete it in CareFree. To deallocate a visit, mark the care recipient as 'away' in CareFree.
Please note: if you change any of the information that CareFree sends to birdie, on birdie only, the information will switch back to the original information. If you are having issues adding the above information or for more information on cancelling calls on CareFree we do advise reaching out to them directly so they can assist you.
Need more help?
If you need help using the CareFree system please reach out to them on their email they will be able to assist you with the system.
Please note: new integrations are no longer supported with CareFree.