How to Select the Correct Visit Plan on the App

After clicking on your rota, you will be asked to select a visit plan. Here is how to select the right one.

Ravi avatar
Written by Ravi
Updated over a week ago

Please note: This feature is available to all Birdie packages, if you do not have access to this, please reach out to your Customer success manager who can enable this for you.

Start by logging into the app and clicking on the visits tab in the bottom left-hand corner. You will see all the visits you have for the day. If you touch the search bar it will allow you to see the visit for the week.

Look at the time of the visit plan and not the heading and pick the plan that is closest to your rota. The times on the visit plans are not necessarily the duration of the visit, they are a guide to show you when the visit is.

Keep an eye out for multiple plans under the same heading (e.g. Lunch plan 1, Lunch plan 2), and pick the plan closest to your time.

If the visit plan you choose is more than 30 minutes away from your rota time, you will get a warning message.

Once you click on the correct plan you can then carry out the tasks and medications within and complete your visit as normal.

What to do if you select the wrong plan

If you select the wrong visit plan, do not complete anything. You will need to click on Go back and select the correct visit plan. Once you have selected the correct visit plan, click on Start report to check-in.

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