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How to match a Care Professional's skills to a Care Recipient's needs
How to match a Care Professional's skills to a Care Recipient's needs

Match your Care Recipient's needs with a Care Professional with those skills to make sure they are receiving the best possible care

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over 9 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Advanced and Plus packages (As well as Premium) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

Some Care Recipients may need specific care or skills delivered during their visit. You can now add a range of skills to your Care Professional's profile and match them with the Care recipient ensuring that you are utilising their skills and training and delivering the best care to your Care Recipients.

Please read here for the list of skills currently available with this feature.

How to add skills to your care professional

Go to the Team tab and select the Care Professional. On the left-hand side bar click Skills. Here you can add a new skill, whether it requires training only or training and competency and the expiry date as well as any supporting documents.

  • Requires training only - These skills are theoretical based skills e.g. the Care Professional has completed a course or exam.

  • Requires training and competency- These skills are theoretical and practical based skills which means that the Care Professional will have a qualification and will also have to complete observed hours of that skill.

Please note: The expiration date is mandatory, for skills and training that do not expire please put a date far in the future.

When you click back into Skills you will now see all the skills you have added to your Care Professional and the expiry dates. You are able to edit these to change the details of the skill or add any additional details.

If you cannot find a skill in the list please use the 'Other' option and write in the text box more detail about the skill.

Please note: Skills uploaded are not visible in the Birdie app. This information is only available for admins to view on the Agency Hub.

How to add a needed skill to your Care Recipient's visit

Select a Care Recipient and click on a visit schedule, in the pop-up box select Edit.

Here you can add the skills required on the visit, you can select multiple skills. When you are done you can choose whether to apply these for the whole visit schedule. Click Save when you are done.

When you click on the visit again you will now see under Details the required skills needed for that visit.

How to match a Care Professional's skills with a Care Recipient's needs

Once you have added your Care Professionals skills and your Care Recipient's needs you can match them on a visit. You will be able to see if the Care Professional is matching, partially or non-matching under Care team, and in the Find Alternative modal.

When you hover over the Non or partially-Matching icon it will tell you which skill is missing.

If you need to find another Care Professional click Find Alternative under the Care Team tab. Here you will see a list of Care Professionals who are in the same group and have the matching skills for the visit. Once you have found the Care Professional, click on their name and select Allocate carer.

Can I assign a non-matching Care Professional?

You are not prevented from allocating a Care Professional if the skills do not match but you will have a warning modal pop-up. If you decide to match a Care Professional without the necessary skills you will see non-matching/partially matching tags in the Care Team tab.

The Care Professional will show as non-matching when:

  • Care professional is missing one or multiple required skills (they have never been recorded)

The Care Professional will show as partially matching when:

  • Care professional has all required skills recorded, however:

    • One or multiple required skills are expired when the visit is meant to take place

    • One or multiple required skills are missing the competency sign-off

    • One or multiple required skills are signed off as competent but for a different Care recipient

How to add a Care Recipient-specific competency

You can add a Care recipient-specific competency if the Care Professional is signed off on a skill but only with a specific Care recipient, this is a useful feature when setting up complex care. The Care Professional may be trained on the skill beforehand but will need to be signed off on competency per Care recipient.

To select this option, when adding a new skill click 'Requires training and competency'. Here you can add the expiry date, the Care recipients they are trained for and any supporting notes. Once you have added that you will see that they have this skill and the name of the Care recipient it is for on their Skills tab.

If a Care Professional has training for a skill but only competency for a certain Care recipient they will show as partially matching for other Care recipients with that need. You will still be able to assign them to that visit.

If they then gain competency for the new Care recipient you can edit the Care Professional's skill and add additional Care recipients into that competency, this will then update their matching status.

How to edit or remove a skill

If you need to edit a skill you can do this by going to the Care Professionals Skills tab on their profile. Find the skill you would like to edit and click the Notepad icon.

From here you can edit:

  • The skill

  • The skill type

  • Expiry date

  • Notes

  • Files

It is not possible to add or edit the name of a skill. If you require a skill that is not on the list you can select the other option or you can submit feedback to our product team here.

If you want to remove a skill for a Care Professional you can do this by clicking the bin icon.

If you need to remove a skill for a Care Recipient you can do this by going to their Visit tab, selecting the visit and clicking Edit.

From here, click the X next to the skill you would like to remove. Click Save Changes when you are done. You will have the option to save this change for this visit only or for the entire visit schedule meaning that the skill is no longer required.

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