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How to Template Runs Using the Regular Carer Feature

Learn how to template runs with regular care professionals assigned! This will save you time assigning runs manually each week.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over 10 months ago

Please note: Runs are available as part of the majority of Birdie packages, excluding Care Management, Starter and Entry packages. Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

Assigning regular carers within the Birdie platform is the best way to replicate your preferred scheduling rota. This is because when applying a template in the Rostering dashboard, the system will automatically assign the regular carer to their visits.

We recommend that you set up your runs first, prior to assigning regular carers to a visit that is within a run.

For more information on how to set up runs, please see this article- Setting up Runs for rostering.

Start by going to the Roster tab and select the run that you want to template.

Birdie will never split a run when you apply the template, and will always try to assign the whole run to one of the regular carers, as long as they are available.
To make your run templating predictable and accurate, we recommend that you select only one of the visits within the run and assign the regular carer to that visit.

For example, for the first visit in the run, you may assign the same regular carer to other visits in the run so that the run would still get assigned (via templating) should the visit with the regular carer be cancelled.

Click on the visit and then select View visit details, then click on Care team on the pop-up box.

From here you can choose the carer you would like to be the regular carer by clicking on the Find Alternative button. Please remember that a carer will need to be in the same group as the Care Recipient in order to be set as a regular carer.

Once you have assigned a carer to the visit you can set them as a regular carer by clicking the three dots by their name and selecting 'this visit only' to assign them as a regular carer for this visit only, or 'whole schedule'.

For more information on how to assign regular carers please see this article - How to assign regular caregivers to visits.

You will now see that the regular carer will have a star next to their name.

Once you have assigned a regular carer to your runs you can now apply the template. to do this, click the plan rota button and then the apply template button.

You will see that the whole run is assigned to the regular carer. If this carer is available to take the whole run, this means that they are automatically assigned the whole run.

Birdie will never split a run so it will remain unallocated if the system cannot find a carer to complete the whole run, from here you will be able to find a carer to assign the whole run to.
To make your run templating predictable and accurate, we recommend that you select only one of the visits within the run and assign the regular carer to that visit, for example, the first visit in the run.

You may assign the same regular carer to other visits in the run so that the run would still get assigned( via templating) should that visit with the regular carer be cancelled.

If you are happy with the allocation, click push changes at the top of the screen.

Step-by-step guide

You may find the below regular carers for runs flowchart helpful, click here to download the PDF!

Birdie Academy video

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