Offboarding a party / product

How to offboard a party and/or product in the Client File

Written by Jeroen Cevaal
Updated over a week ago

Offboarding a party

You can offboard a party from the "Party dashboard" by clicking the three dots in the top-right of the screen. Click "Party Offboarding" to start the offboarding.

The below window will appear, here you can select the status, assignee and resolution.


The offboarding-process does not have to be completed at once. To facilitate your team in completing this process in the most efficient way, we have introduced different statuses in this process. These statuses can be used according to your own insight, but in order to give you a bit of an idea, below you will find an overview of how the statuses could be used:

  • Open: the offboarding was started but no action has been taken.

  • In progress: the offboarding was started, some action has been taken but the file is not complete yet.

  • Review: the file is now complete but is under review by a person within your organisation who has to approve the offboarding.

  • Done: the offboarding is now complete and approved. This cannot be made undone.


Here you are able to assign the offboarding to a person within your team. As soon as these settings have been saved, they will get an e-mail saying that a task has been assigned to them.


This dropdown only appears when the status is set to "Done".

  • Done: the status has been set to "Done", and the offboarding is indeed completely done.

  • Cancelled: the offboarding was reviewed but not approved, the resolution will now be set to cancelled.


When the status and resolution have been set to "Done". The system will ask you to type "TERMINATE" to confirm you want to proceed with the offboarding.

Terminating a product

Once the party is offboarded, in some cases (for example in case of an individual), the product will have to be offboarded as well.

First go to the product by clicking "Visit the product":

In the "Product details" view click the three dots in the top-right of the screen. Here you can click on "Terminate product":

After clicking "Terminate product" the below pop-up will open. Here you can fill in the details and save to either permanently terminate the product, or to start the process of terminating (depending on the selected status).

After setting the status to "Done" and saving, the product will be permanently terminated.

Once you have offboarded the party as well as the product, they will not be visible in the Client File overview anymore.

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