I know that, in the interest of making things simpler, this help article may seem to be making things more complicated. I hope, in practice, single structure preplans will be simple, and multi-building preplans will also be simple. Stick with me, and revisit these articles -- or reach out to me for help. After all, if you need help, others likely do as well, and we can improve the help for everyone! -- Jon Kern.
In other articles, we describe the difference between Campus and Single structure preplans, if you need additional info.
Single Structure View
The benefit of a "single-structure" style of preplan is that there is only one place to go to see all of the preplan information. When you view a Single Structure, Blazemark will open the Structure view and not the Preplan view.
If you do not need to add information beyond what is contained in the Structure, then there is no need to see the outer Preplan view, since it will merely contain the Structure, and add nothing else.
NOTE: as we so often do with Blazemark functionality, you can try out different approaches here and not be "stuck" with a dead end choice. So do not worry! Try things out, you can convert between single and non-single, and back again.
Convert to Single Structure
You will be offered an opportunity to "convert" existing preplans over to the Single Structure mode, if they meet the following criteria:
Single structure
No site details
No preplan layouts
No preplan HazMats
No preplan Staging Areas
The conversion process will automatically move the following preplan data to the structure:
Site Overview image (as a Photo)
Attached Water Supplies
For preplans that meet the above criteria, you will see the opportunity to convert at the bottom of the preplan:
Other times you will see a more obvious opportunity:
Convert to Preplan Mode
Likewise, for single structure preplans that you would like to extend with preplan data, you can do the following:
Toggle edit mode
Navigate to the very bottom of the preplan
Click the preplan button
Accept the prompt to switch preplan types.
Easy to Change Your Mind!
In either "direction" it is easy to change your mind if you want to convert a single-structure preplan to a regular preplan. Or if you want to convert a regular preplan that conforms to the single-structure style, into a single-structure type or preplan.