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All About Charging with Bluedot

Charging Flat Fee and Cash Back Mechanism

Mira avatar
Written by Mira
Updated over a week ago

What you get with Articles:

(The method where you can pay a fixed fee of $ 0.30 per kWh for DC or $0.03 per min for AC)

Users start the charging process from the Bluedot mobile application and make the payment. First of all, select the charger with the most suitable route for you on the map opened in the Map tab of the Bluedot App. You can find how to do this in the article below.

You can find out how to find the stations on the map in the article below;
How Can I Find Charger in Bluedot App

In-app charging currently works with the following networks and prices;

EVgo, Chargepoint
DC -> $0.30/kWh or
AC -> $0.03/min

You can find out how to benefit from this tariff and how to charge your vehicle using the Bluedot Mobile application in the article below;

The following article will be useful for you;
What is in-app charging?

2. Out-of Network

(The method where you can get 20% Cash Back on every charge)

You can start the charging process from the other network apps and make the payment with Bluedot Card. Users add their Bluedot Card information to the application they use and determine the payment method.

All of charging brand (Tesla, EA, Volta etc.)
"out-of-network" = full price but 20% cash back

The following articles will be useful for you;

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