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Fidelity Standing Instruction
Fidelity Standing Instruction
Updated over a week ago

Transfer Securities from Fidelity into BlueGive

To transfer securities from your Fidelity account to your BlueGive DAF, follow these instructions which outline setting up a journal entry from your Fidelity account to GiveClear Foundation's Fidelity account (the 501c3 that supports BlueGive):

  1. In Wealthscape, find and select the standing payment instructions form:

  2. Fill out the Account Owner information on behalf of the client and include any originating accounts they may use to fund their DAF account:

  3. Set up a One-Directional Journal to GiveClear Foundation’s account. The account number is 628703323:

  4. Both the client and advisor (or advisor representative) will sign the form and submit to Fidelity for processing:

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