If you've recently moved your existing DAF over to BlueGive, and have several recurring grants-then read this article! Instead of setting up and approving your recurring grants one-by-one, you can do this in bulk.
Reach out to our support email at care@bluegive.org letting them know you'd like to set up several recurring grants and include this information:
Name and address of charity
Start and end date of recurring grant
Any grant notes you want to include (purpose of gift, local chapter information, etc.
The total amount
The BlueGive support team will reach out via email letting you know that we've successfully added your recurring grants and are ready for your approval
To approve the grants you'll need to login > click the present icon in the top right corner > scroll over to pending attestations
Click the pencil icon to edit the recurring grant > toggle on/off the recurring grants you'd like to approve > once you've chosen the recurring grants you'd like to approve click Approve Gifts
Click the attestation for approving the recurring grants