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Account Statements
Updated over 2 weeks ago

1. These are NOT tax statements and are not meant to accurately describe tax receipt dates and should not be used for tax filing purposes.

2. These statements describe the beginning and ending balances in the system and any activity that was confirmed and reconciled within.

3. Any “missing” grants or contributions were likely reconciled to the account after the quarter ended and will appear on subsequent statements.

4. They are not “missing” and their absence on the statement does not affect in any way a donor’s ability to claim tax deductions for contributions made within the quarter. The tax receipt will always reflect this accurately.

These statements provide an overall summary of the fund activity. Including, starting & ending balance, contributions, grants, gains/losses, and fees

How to access your Account Statements.

Click on the documents icon in the top right corner--> Account Statements

Click Preview to preview the report, or download the report to your computer by clicking the download icon

Report Terms and Calculations Definitions


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