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Video Studio: Overview
Video Studio: Overview

Learn all about the Video Studio and how to utilize videos within your messaging!

Updated over a week ago

Using the Video Studio in Bonzo: Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing the Video Tab

  • Videos are an essential part of Bonzo. On the left side of Bonzo, you'll find a dedicated tab for videos.

Navigating the Video Library

My Videos

  • Click on the "Video" tab to access your video library in Bonzo. This screen displays YOUR videos. These are videos that you have recorded in Bonzo or uploaded to Bonzo.

  • This section can be customized by adding new folders.

  • To add a folder:

    • click "Add Folder." at the top right of the videos tab

    • Enter a name for the folder and click "Create."

    • Using Folders will allow you to create different video categories, such as "Realtors," "Past Clients," and "Leads."

    • Learn more about folders HERE.

  • Within your videos, you can click on the three dots on the top right of a video to reveal several video options.

    • Move: You can select "Move" to have this video moved to a certain folder.

      • Note- You can move multiple videos into a folder at once. Simply select each video by clicking the checkbox at the top left corner. Then click on the folder icon that appears above your selection. Select your folder and then click Move

    • View: You can view the video in more detail and edit the video's title, calls to action, etc. by selecting "View."

      • To learn more about this skip to the below section titled "Editing Videos"

    • Rename: If you wish to rename the video, you can click here.

    • Duplicate: Clicking this option will create a duplicate of this video within your Bonzo Video Studio.

    • Download: This option will initiate a video download.

    • Archive: This action will place the video into the Archived section, where the video cannot be utilized for messaging but can be referenced.

    • Delete: This action deletes the video from Bonzo.

Team Videos

  • At the top of the videos section, you can toggle into your Team Videos.

  • This section allows you to access the videos that your team shares and uploads into Bonzo.

Archived Videos

  • The next tab at the top is the "Archived" section for videos that are not needed within Bonzo but are still valuable for reference.

  • To archive a video:

    • Click on the three dots at the top left of the video

    • Select Archive

    • Click confirm

Video Scripts

  • Access the "Scripts" section for teleprompter-like scripts that guide your video content and allow you to read notes from the screen while recording.

  • To create a script,

    • click at the top right on "add script."

    • Type in a title for the script

    • Select the type of script that this will be.

    • Type in any content for this script

    • Select to share or not share this script with your team.

  • At the bottom of the script section, you can see and utilize any scripts your team has opted to share.

Adding a New Video

  • To add a new video, click at the top right of the videos section on "Add Video."

  • Choose from various options for uploading or recording videos:

    • Upload from a mobile device.

      • This option will allow you to put in your cell number and forward a link to upload any videos from your phone to Bonzo through utilizing this link.

    • Record a default video in Bonzo for emails and landing pages (two-minute limit).

    • Record an MMS format for text videos (20-second limit).

    • Upload from desktop (default max: 250MB or MMS format max 1.3 MB).

Editing Videos

Clicking on a video will take you to where you can edit your video. Here are the options within our Video Studio:

  • Edit video details

    • In this section, you can change the title of the video, add a video description, and create a personalized title (for videos being sent through email).

  • Add Calls to Action (CTAs)

    • To add a CTA you can click "add new" under the CTA section

    • Next you will add in the link that you wish to route your people to and the Text you would like to display

    • Also on this screen you can select the color of the text and color for the CTA

  • Trim the video

    • This allows you to edit the length of your video and trim the beginning or ending of your video.

  • Enable/disable comments

    • This will display a comment section where someone can leave a reply to your video. Those replied will be pushed into your Bonzo with their information and synced under any pre-existing contacts.

  • Add a Calendly widget

    • By pasting in your Calendly link, you can have your availability displayed below your video.

Changing your Thumbnail

In this section, you will see the autogenerated thumbnail. If you wish to change this:

  • Click at the top right on the image icon

  • select the image you wish to use for a thumbnail

Monitor Video Analytics

In this section, you will be able to see a breakdown of:

  • Video Views

  • Video CTA Clicks

  • Video Comments or Replies

You can use the calendar at the top to change the range of dates for your data.

Editing Captions

Bonzo auto-enables captions for accessibility purposes. In this section, you can:

  • Turn off these captions

    • By clicking the toggle to the right of "Enable Captions" you can turn these captions off.

  • Edit the captions that will be displayed

    • Each few seconds of captions is grouped. If you see a word that is incorrect, you can click on that segment of the caption.

    • At the top, select the pencil.

    • Correct the mistake in the caption and then click the checkmark.

    • This will resolve the caption mistake.

Where and How to Send Videos

On Bonzo, you can utilize videos in any of the places on our platform that allow for emails or text messaging. These include:

  • Broadcasts

  • Campaigns

  • Pipeline Messaging

  • One on One messaging through the conversation tab

In each of these locations, adding a video looks the same. You will:

  1. Click on the film reel icon below the message.

  2. Select, upload, or record the video you wish to utilize.

    1. For texts, you must utilize the MMS format for videos notated with a pink (MMS) tag

    2. For emails, you must utilize the default format.

  3. If you are recording and uploading on this screen, we encourage you to click the pencil and add or change your title.

    1. This will allow you to change the Title, description and personalized title if this is for an email

  4. Edit and Send the final message!

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