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People: Quick Action Toolbar
People: Quick Action Toolbar

Learn how the Quick Action Toolbar in enhances your efficiency and effectiveness in managing contacts and communications.

Updated over a week ago

The Quick Action Toolbar enables you to efficiently manage the contacts in your database. It offers straightforward options to move contacts between campaigns and pipelines, initiate broadcast messages, create and manage tags, set up auto-dial sessions, and perform many other actions with ease.

*The People Tab can now be found under the "Data" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

Navigation & Actions Overview

  1. To access the Quick Action Toolbar, start by selecting "Data" on the left side of the screen and then click on "People"

    This will bring you to your database, where you can choose a list of individuals. You can either filter your selection or select the entire database. Once a group is selected, a bar at the bottom of the screen will display the number of items selected (contact records), along with several action icons on the right.

  2. The arrows icon allows you to move the selected people to a different campaign. Simply click the icon, choose the desired campaign, and click "Move."

    If the campaign is active, indicated by a green dot, the individuals will be moved accordingly. If the dot is gray, the campaign is not active.

  3. By clicking the tag icon, you can add or remove tags. To add a tag, type in the desired tag name, and it will appear below the input field.

    Click the tag to add it to the selected records and then update.

  4. By clicking the person icon, you can assign the selected individuals to different team members, share them with previous team members, or remove shared access.

    This access will allow members of your team to see all communication, details, and notes for the contact you are sharing. If you have given this team member access, they will also be able to communicate with this contact.

  5. The broadcast icon enables you to send one-off messages via text, email, or voicemail. These messages can be scheduled, and you can include videos, GIFs, quick replies, and attachments.

    For a more detailed look at broadcasts including best practices, scroll down to the Broadcasts section in this article.

  6. The Auto-Dialer feature, accessible via the phone icon, allows you to automate calls. You can also pre-record voicemails or draft text messages to be automatically sent to selected contacts in your auto-dial session.

    To learn more about Auto-Dialer, scroll down to the dedicated Auto-Dialer section in this article.

  7. The trash deletes the selected contacts from your database. It's important to note that deleting a contact record also removes it for any team members who has shared access.

  8. For exporting data out of Bonzo, the export icon provides options to export your data as a CSV, Excel, or XML formats with various separators like commas or semicolons.

    You can also choose to deliver the export to the email registered with your Bonzo account or to a separate email.

  9. The share icon enables you to grant or revoke visibility of all communication notes and details for selected contacts.

    Simply select the team members you would like to "share" or "unshare" your prospect data with and click "Save."

  10. Moving contacts to a pipeline is facilitated by the pipeline icon. Select the appropriate pipeline and stage, and the individuals will be moved accordingly.

    It's important to note that Bonzo will show you both enabled and disabled pipelines. To active your pipelines, navigate to pipelines under the general tab, find your pipeline, and toggle to the right.

  11. The custom status icon (pencil) allows you to assign more granular statuses to your contacts, such as pre-approval stages and sub-statuses like "looking" or "ghosted," providing a clearer picture of each contact's status.

    The selected statuses will appear "Status" column in your people tab.

  12. The more actions icon, represented by a plus sign, offers additional options:

    • Manage Groups:

      • You can create groups and assign/unassign contacts to these groups.

    • Mark as Read:

      • You can mark all messages for the selected contacts as read and they will no longer be bolded in your Conversations tab.

    • Birthday & Anniversary Message Status:

      • You can enable/disable automated messages for events like birthdays and loan anniversaries for selected contacts.

    • Add Task:

      • You can add tasks for each of the selected contacts to keep track of follow-ups.

    • Export as BAM Audience:

      • If the list contains over 300 active emails, you can export it to a Bonzo ads manager audience for targeted ads.

    • Adding Note:

      • You can add notes for each of the selected contacts. These notes will be shared to any team member who has access to the contacts.

    • Assign Buyer Agent:

      • You can assign a specific buyer agent to the selected contacts.

    • Mark as Realtor:

      • You can mark the selected contacts as realtors within the Bonzo platform. Contacts must be marked as a Realtor first (indicated by blue building icon next to their name) for them to be assigned as a buyer agent.

These features collectively make the Quick Action Toolbar a comprehensive tool for managing your contacts efficiently. By utilizing these options, you can ensure your database is well-organized and that your communication is effective and personalized. If you do not see some of these options available in your Quick Action Toolbar, it may be due to restricted permissions on your account. Please contact your Team Lead or Account Owner for feature access.


A broadcast in Bonzo is a feature found on the Quick Action Toolbar that allows you to send mass communications to a selected group of contacts in your People tab. This includes emails, text messages, and voicemails. The broadcast feature provides tools for personalizing messages, scheduling them to be sent at specific times, and incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, GIFs, and attachments. It is designed to enhance your communication efforts, ensuring effective outreach to multiple recipients simultaneously.

*Broadcast History an now be found under the "Messaging" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

  1. To begin using the Broadcast feature, select the individuals you want to contact. Once you have selected your recipients, the Quick Action Toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen, where you can access the Broadcast function.

  2. To send email in bulk, click the email icon. Start by entering a subject line and composing the body of the email. You can personalize the email using merge tags, such as the recipient's first name. You can also add your email signature by clicking "Show More" and selecting "Email Signature."

    One of the key features of Broadcast is the ability to schedule emails. Simply choose the date and time you want the email to be sent.

    You can also enhance your emails by adding videos, GIFs, and attachments. To add a video, click on the video icon to be immediately taken to your video library.

    You can select one of these pre-recorded videos or click on "Record" at the top to record a new video for sending. Keep the video length in mind when selecting or recording a new video for an email broadcast. For deliverability, it is recommended that the video be a maximum of two minutes in length.

    To add a GIF, click the GIF icon and select the one you want to include. Attachments can also be added to your emails by clicking the attachment icon. Lastly, you can use Quick Replies, which are pre-written email templates, to save time.

    If you frequently send similar emails, you can create new Quick Replies, including a title, subject line, and email body, and share them with your team if desired. New quick replies can be created by navigating to your "Content Library" under the general tab. Keep in mind, Bonzo will only show you the quick replies you've created for that particular type of broadcast (i.e. - Email Quick Replies for Email Broadcasts; SMS Quick Replies for Text Broadcasts.

    When sending email broadcasts, you have the option to send as the assigned owner of the contact or as yourself. By default, emails are sent from the prospect's assignee, but you can switch to send as yourself if needed. This gives you the opportunity to keep the messaging congruent with the "Owner" of the contact OR to change it so that the messaging is from you, with your email or phone number.

    Lastly, you can also choose to send emails through your provider's integrated server (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) or from Bonzo's marketing server which helps avoid deliverability issues such as emails ending up in spam folders.

    It's important to note, when someone responds to an email you have sent through the Bonzo Marketing server, the responses will be sent to your regular email (Integrated Email) as well as Bonzo. All of these emails will come from your Bonzo server email which will be formatted in this way:

    Your name used in this communication will appear the same that it displays within your General settings.

  3. For text messages, the broadcast process is similar. Click the text icon, compose your message, and schedule the send time.

    You can also add videos in MMS format, GIFs, emojis, and use Quick Replies for text messages. Texts can be sent from the assigned owner or yourself, depending on your preference. It's important to note that accounts on our Tokens-based communication system, will see at token cost for broadcast text and voicemail messages.

    This token cost is calculated by multiplying the token cost of the messages x the number of contacts you are broadcasting to. In the example above, the total token cost is 125 tokens because each SMS message costs 5 tokens and it is being sent in bulk to 25 contacts from the People database

  4. Broadcasting voicemails involves recording a message that will be delivered as a missed call and voicemail. To record a voicemail, click the voicemail icon and record your message.

    You can save the message as a template by clicking the box in the lower left or select a pre-recorded message from the "Template" tab at the top. Finally, you can upload an audio file from your device by clicking on "Upload" and selecting or dragging your file into the upload box.

    Like emails and text messages, voicemails can also be scheduled to send at a specific time and can be sent from the assigned owner or contact records or as yourself.

    It's important to note that accounts on our Tokens-based communication system, will see at token cost for broadcast text and voicemail messages.

    This token cost is calculated by multiplying the token cost of the messages x the number of contacts you are broadcasting to. In the example above, the total token cost is 375 tokens because each voicemail message costs 15 tokens and it is being sent in bulk to 25 contacts from the People database.

  5. To manage your scheduled broadcasts, go to the "Messaging" dropdown in your sidebar and click on "Broadcast History."

    Here, you can see all scheduled broadcasts, edit, or cancel them. Simply scroll to the right and click on the three vertical dots or breadcrumbs to take action.

    Click on the pink "Past broadcasts" button to see a record of all past broadcasts. To see the contact records that these broadcasts were sent to, click on the blue people bubble under the "Recipients" column.

To learn more about Broadcasts, click on the box below.


The Auto-Dialer feature in Bonzo is a tool designed to streamline the process of making calls to a list of contacts. It automates the dialing process, allowing you to efficiently manage and initiate calls either automatically (PowerDialer mode) or manually (Segmented mode). You have the ability to include prerecorded voicemails and send follow-up SMS messages. The Auto-Dialer helps save time and provides detailed call tracking and management, enhancing overall outreach effectiveness.

*The People Tab can now be found under the "Data" dropdown in your sidebar navigation.

  1. To begin using the Auto-Dialer, navigate to the People tab under the "Data" dropdown. Select a group of individuals you want to call. Once your selection is made, click on the phone icon at the bottom of the screen to access the Auto-Dialer feature.

  2. The Auto-Dialer in Bonzo offers two modes: PowerDialer and Segmented.

    Power: initiates calls immediately and automatically moves to the next call as soon as you disposition the previous one.

    Segmented: requires you to click the green phone icon to initiate each call manually.

  3. For both modes, you have the option to use prerecorded voicemails. You can either select a voicemail you've previously recorded from the dropdown or add a new one by clicking on the pink "+ Add voicemail" button. This feature allows you to drop a voicemail if the person does not answer, saving you time from recording individual voicemails for every contact.

    It's important to keep your voicemail message broad, as it will be sent to every contact who doesn't pick up. Avoid mentioning specific details such as the contact's name or information about their loan, etc.

  4. You can also choose to send an SMS if there is no response. Customize your SMS using merge tags. You can also add videos, GIFs, emojis, and quick replies to make your message more engaging.

    You can decide to drop a voicemail, send an SMS, or do both if the call is not answered.

  5. When making calls, you can choose to call as yourself or as the assigned owner of the contact. This is important if you have shared contacts. Calling as the owner means the call appears to come from the person assigned to the contact in Bonzo.

  6. During a call, you'll see various options and details on your screen. You can view call duration, the number of contacts called, and the number of connected calls. You can also access contact information, add notes, manage tags, update statuses, and make changes to campaigns or pipeline stages.

  7. It's crucial to save any changes you make during a call before moving on to the next one. In a Power session, once you disposition the call by clicking on an action like dropping an SMS or voicemail, the Auto-Dialer will automatically move to the next call. In a Segmented session, you will have to manually initiate the next call.

  8. The Auto-Dialer allows you to manage notifications and your call interface efficiently. You can mute notifications from Bonzo by clicking the bell icon, eliminating distractions during calls. To minimize the call screen and navigate your system while still on the call, click the down arrow. You can pause the session by clicking the two vertical lines, switching to segmented mode where you manually initiate each call. To end the session and stop all calls, click the X icon, which will also close the Auto-Dialer.

  9. Additional features that you can access during your call include the ability to mute yourself, place calls on hold, use a dial pad, add other users to a conference call, forward calls to team members, and delete contacts if necessary. You can also mark numbers as bad or put contacts on a do-not-call list if needed.

    Ending the call: If you click on the red phone icon. It will end the current call.

    Mute: If you click the microphone icon, you will be muted and the contact on the other end will not be able to hear you.

    Hold: If you click the pause icon, the call will be on hold and the contact on the other end will not be able to hear you. Soft music will be playing for the contact.

    Dial Pad: If you click the Dial Pad icon, you will be able to access a dial pad while on this call.

    Conference: If you click the Add Person Icon, you are able to add in someone else to the call you are on. You will select from an existing user and then click add OR you can enter the number manually and then click add.

  10. At the end of your session, you'll receive a summary, showing the number of voicemails left, calls connected, texts sent, and the total duration. This helps you review and track your progress.

    Click "Toggle details" to view a timestamped record of your session. To see the list of all contact records selected for the previous dial session, click "Find in people." After reviewing this information, click "Finish session" to complete the process.

  11. Your auto-dial history can be found by navigating to the "Messaging" dropdown on your navigation sidebar, and clicking on "Auto-dialer History."

The Quick Action Toolbar in Bonzo enhances your efficiency and effectiveness in managing contacts and communications. Its features allow you to move contacts between campaigns and pipelines, manage tags, and perform various actions with ease. The Broadcast feature enables personalized mass communications through emails, texts, and voicemails, complete with scheduling and multimedia options for timely and engaging outreach. The powerful Auto-Dialer streamlines your calling process by automating the dialing of contacts, leaving prerecorded voicemails, sending follow-up SMS messages, and providing detailed call tracking. These features ensure consistent, personalized, and efficient communication, helping you maintain strong relationships and achieve your business goals. With the Quick Action Toolbar, you can save time and improve productivity.

To learn more about the People tab, click on the box below.

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