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SU Chapter 2: Setting Up a Team
SU Chapter 2: Setting Up a Team

Beyond Basics: SuperUser Chapters

Updated this week

This chapter will guide you through the process of establishing teams, setting up permissions and roles, and structuring your organization into regions, ensuring that all team members have the appropriate access and tools to perform their roles effectively. Understanding these fundamentals will help you create a structured and cohesive environment within Bonzo, allowing your organization to operate smoothly and efficiently.

Estimated Learning Time: 15 min

Understanding Seat Types & Roles

In Bonzo, three distinct seat types are essential for efficient teamwork: SuperUser, Team Lead, and Team Member. SuperUsers have the highest level of access, managing multiple teams and system settings. Team Leads oversee daily team activities and settings, while Team Members focus on their tasks with limited access. Each seat type can have customized roles to tailor permissions. Understanding these seat types and their roles is crucial for effective team setup and management in Bonzo.

Establishing Permissions & Roles

As a SuperUser, you are responsible for defining and managing access levels through permissions and roles, ensuring both security and operational efficiency within Bonzo. Permissions are specific access rights that dictate what actions users can perform, while roles bundle these permissions to streamline management. By setting and modifying roles and permissions, you ensure that all users have the appropriate access needed to perform their duties effectively.

Setting Up a Team

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Creating teams is a primary function of the SuperUser, essential for organizing members within the organization by department or branch. Teams consist of Team Leads, who act as managers, and Team Members, who handle day-to-day tasks. To create a new team, you first purchase additional teams via the "Addons" tab, then navigate to the "Teams" section to set up team details and assign a Team owner. After creating the team, add members by inviting them via email and assigning roles. Ensure you have available seats for new members, and purchase additional seats if needed. This structured approach allows for effective oversight and efficient delegation of responsibilities.

Setting Up a Region

Setting up a region in Bonzo is crucial for structuring and managing organizational divisions. Regions, managed by Regional SuperUsers under a primary SuperUser, are clusters of teams. To establish a region, create a Regional SuperUser by adding members to the SuperUser team, then navigate to the "Regions" tab to create and name a new region. Assign a regional manager and add teams to the region. You can also assign Campaign Templates and Pipelines. This setup allows for effective oversight and coordination across multiple locations, ensuring smooth and cohesive operations within the organization.

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