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Integrations: RETR Webhook
Integrations: RETR Webhook

Learn how to set up and connect RETR to your Bonzo account.

Updated over a week ago

RETR gathers, stores, and provides comprehensive data on loan officers and real estate agents, including details about their sales areas, volume, and types of loans. Additionally, it offers insights into an agent's loan loyalty, recent transactions, and mutual connections. With the RETR Webhook you are able to push this information into your Bonzo account for strategic collaboration.

Creating the Webhook in Bonzo

  1. Navigate to the settings menu located in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. Scroll down to "Integrations" and click on "Webhooks." Here, you'll see any previously created Webhooks and their statuses.

  2. To create a new Webhook, click on the "Add Webhook" button.

  3. Before you fill in the "Name" field, it's important to understand that RETR allows for different webhooks to be established based on the type of prospects you are searching for, such as agents or loan officers. We recommend choosing a name that reflects this specific data, as it will help you distinguish the webhook. For example, you might use "RETR - New Agents" to clearly indicate its purpose.

  4. Now, for the "Integration" dropdown, select the appropriate prospect Webhook type, "RETR (Agent)."

    If you also want to bring over loan officers, we recommend creating an additional RETR webhook and selecting "RETR (Loan Officer)" from the Integration dropdown. This approach offers greater flexibility for establishing custom routing in the future.

  5. After making your selection, check the "Add custom fields and map data" button to automatically create the necessary fields in your Bonzo account to store the data coming over from RETR.

    You will see those fields immediately populate in your Webhook settings. You now have the option to uncheck any fields that you do not wish to push over from RETR into Bonzo.

  6. Continue to adjust your settings and include any necessary campaign or pipeline routing, although you will have the option to adjust these fields later. We recommend completing your Webhook setup by checking "Merge Duplicates" which merges all new, incoming prospects possessing a matching email/or phone number.

    When you are done, click "Create" in the bottom right of your screen.

  7. Back on your main Webhook's page, you will see your new RETR Webhook as well as the the important Webhook link. Click on the "Page" icon to copy the Webhook link and complete the Webhook setup in your RETR account.

Confirming the Webhook in RETR

Once you have the Webook link, login to your RETR account and confirm the integration by following these steps.

  1. Click on your account dropdown listed under your name in the top right and then select "Integrations."

  2. Once on your RETR integrations page, select Bonzo, and then copy and paste your Webhook link into the appropriate field. Remember, you created this Webhook with a particular prospect type in mind - Agents. You can also create a Webhook to push LO contact into Bonzo.

    Once you are finished, click "Save."

  3. To ensure the Webhook is functioning properly, select an agent prospect, bring up their information, and click on the "Push to CRM" button found on the lower left hand side of the screen. Proceed and confirm the push.

    Now you can navigate back to Bonzo and utilize the search bar in your People tab to find the new agent prospect.

By leveraging data gathered and provided by RETR on loan officers and real estate agents, you gain detailed insights into their sales areas, volume, types of loans, and more. Integrating this data into your Bonzo account through the RETR Webhook will help you stay organized and informed so that you can make the right decisions and work with the right people to grow your business.

To learn more about Webhooks and other Integrations, click on the boxes below.

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