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Integrations: Creating & Updating a Webhook
Integrations: Creating & Updating a Webhook

Learn how to create and update your own Webhook Integrations.

Updated over a week ago

Creating a Webhook

Webhooks play a crucial role in integrations within Bonzo, acting as the bridge between Bonzo and external sources. When set up, these Webhooks efficiently transport event driven data—known as payloads—from the external source directly into your Bonzo account. This seamless transfer ensures that lead data is integrated into your system without manual effort, enhancing both accuracy and speed.

Lead Generation Webhooks are typically set up and managed by the Bonzo Integrations Team, ensuring a stable integration. However, you can manually create Webhooks yourself by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to the settings menu located in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. Scroll down to "Integrations" and click on "Webhooks."

    Here, you'll see any previously created Webhooks and their statuses.

  2. To create a new Webhook, click on the "Add Webhook" button.

  3. First, name your Webhook. Choose a name that clearly indicates its purpose.

  4. Next, decide where you want these leads to go. You can assign them to a previously created campaign or pipeline stage. If these fields are left blank, the lead will be pushed into your People tab, and you can manually move them from there.

    Pro Tip: If you have a campaign attached to a pipeline stage, and you'd like the lead to be in both, only select the pipeline stage—choosing the campaign isn't necessary.

  5. Select the integration you're using to connect to Bonzo. If you don't see the system listed, just select Bonzo.

    Pro Tip: if you see the name of the product you'd like to connect to Bonzo listed here, please select it! This means we've already done the necessary work to ensure the connection is seamless.

  6. For Webhook settings, check the boxes if you would like the following rules to apply to this webhook:

    Merge Duplicates: all new, incoming leads possessing a matching email/or phone number will merge with the existing contact, overwriting the old data. If not checked any new, incoming leads with a matching email and/or phone number will be rejected as a duplicate, and won't be added your database.

    Re-attach Duplicates to a Campaign or Pipeline: any contacts pushed through this Webhook that already exist in your Bonzo account will be restarted on the campaign or pipeline that the Webhook is set up for. This means that if Bonzo finds a duplicate match, it will restart the campaign or pipeline for those contacts.

    Mute: turns off in-app notifications for this Webhook, meaning you won't be notified when new leads are pushed over into Bonzo.

    Disable Webhook: temporarily deactivates the Webhook. The Webhook stops accepting new prospects but you retain access to previous log data. To permanently remove a Webhook, go to the Webhooks page, click on the three vertical dots (breadcrumbs), and select "Delete." Note that deleting a Webhook will result in the loss of all established routing rules and log data.

    Run Scrubber: compares all new, incoming lead numbers to those found on the national "Do Not Contact" list. If identified as DNC the Webhook will still push the contact into your Bonzo account, but the Scrubber will mark them as DNC. It's important to note that "Run DNC Scrubber" is a feature only found on accounts that have migrated to our new Token-based Communication System.

  7. In the advanced settings, you'll find the callback URL. This URL is where you can pass lead information to another system.

  8. Once everything looks good, click "Create" to finalize the Webhook. Don't forget to push a test lead over to your Bonzo account to ensure everything is set up correctly.

By acting as a bridge between Bonzo and external systems, Webhooks ensure the seamless and automatic transfer of information into your account. This process enhances both accuracy and efficiency, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring that your data, especially lead data, is always up-to-date.

Updating a Webhook

Once you've created your Webhook, it will appear in your Webhooks tab as an existing Webhook, which you can edit at any time. When editing, additional options will become available at the top of the screen.

Delete Webhook: permanently disconnect and remove the Webhook for your account. Note that deleting a Webhook will result in the loss of all established routing rules and log data.

Edit: adjust any of the fields on the main page including if prospects are routed to a specific campaign or pipeline stage. Note that these changes will only apply to new prospects pushed into your database by the Webhook.

Routing: allows you to create "Routing Groups" that contain rules and conditions that determine what happens with the data when it is pushed into Bonzo. For instance you can establish a routing group that assigns all new incoming prospects to a team member if the prospects are located in a specific state. To learn more about routing, check out our Integrations: Webhook Routing article.

Logs: analyze the incoming Webhook payloads using logs. Logs are a historical record of the data Bonzo received. You can review and confirm the data Bonzo received by checking the logs and comparing it with how it appears in Bonzo. Logs are for review and troubleshooting only; there is no editing function. If a payload is missing data, you will need to check the source and the endpoint to make changes and ensure the missing data appears correctly in Bonzo.

Mapping: map additional fields from the Webhook payload into Bonzo. If the external source is sending over a data that is not mapping to a field in Bonzo, you can create a custom field and utilize a mapping "key" (or "field id" - found in your payload logs) to ensure that it is pushed to the appropriate field.

If the "Payload Value" is set to "Static," Bonzo will automatically use the mapping "key" (the "field id") you provide and map it to the same field each time it encounters that field id in the payload. This automates the mapping process for you.

It's important to note, you must first create custom fields before you set up mapping using the "key" or "field id" or the data won't have anywhere to go once it is received in Bonzo. Information on how you can set up your custom fields is provided in the link below.

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