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SuperUser: Company Settings
SuperUser: Company Settings

Understand which settings impact your SuperUser account and which settings filter down to the rest of your company.

Updated over a week ago

SuperUsers can access and manage Company Settings in Bonzo, setting rules and establishing functionality for the organization. These settings include Enterprise SSO Login, roles, billing, add-ons, custom fields, custom statuses, and contact types. While Team Leads can manage some settings at the team level, many settings are exclusive to SuperUsers and can only be viewed and activated at this level​​​​.

Enterprise SSO Login

What is SSO?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a feature that simplifies the login process for users in your organization by allowing them to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This means that once a user logs in to one system, they can seamlessly access other connected systems without having to log in again. This technology is especially useful in enterprise environments where employees need to switch between various applications throughout their day.

What are the Benefits of SSO?

The primary advantage of SSO is the enhanced control it provides to SuperUsers. By centralizing authentication, SuperUser admins can enforce security policies across all connected applications. For instance, you can restrict access to Bonzo based on geographic location, block logins from unfamiliar locations, or set specific conditions for access. This level of control is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your organizational data.

Additionally, SSO simplifies the management of user credentials. When an employee leaves the organization, SuperUsers only need to disable their access in the identity provider, which automatically revokes access to all connected applications, including Bonzo. This reduces the administrative burden and ensures that access is promptly revoked, minimizing security risks.

How Does SSO Work in Bonzo?

Enterprise SSO Login in Bonzo leverages SAML-based authentication, integrating with identity providers such as Okta, Ping, Azure Active Directory, or Google Directory. This setup allows users to authenticate through their organization's identity provider, ensuring a streamlined and secure login experience.

Setting up Enterprise SSO in Bonzo involves connecting your Bonzo account with your chosen identity provider. The configuration process includes exchanging metadata between Bonzo and the identity provider, which establishes a secure connection for authentication. Once configured, SuperUsers can enforce SSO login policies, ensuring that users can only access Bonzo through the identity provider.

  1. From your dashboard, click to "Settings" in your sidebar navigation to the left. Then select "Enterprise SSO Login" to the right under the "Company" tab.

    Click on the pink "+Add SSO Tenant" button in the top right to begin the SSO setup process.

  2. Next, create your SAML SSO Connection by selecting your ID provider from the dropdown menu.

  3. Once you select your provider, Bonzo will ask you for specific information needed to establish the connection.

    Clicking "No" will set up a temporary connection, but you will still need to return and plugin the necessary information into the data fields to ensure SSO is functioning properly.

  4. Click "Yes" and then fill in the fields with info. from your ID Provider.

    Before enforcing mandatory Single Sign-On (SSO) across your organization, you can first configure the settings at the bottom of this screen. This allows you to establish the connection and test it before making it mandatory.

  5. After filling in the above data fields and clicking "Save," you will be provided with your "SAML Endpoints." These endpoints allow communication between identity providers and Bonzo.

    While setting up Bonzo's SSO login is easy, the specific steps depend on your company's ID provider. Because each provider requires slightly different information (called metadata), your IT team will likely guide you through the setup process.

Company General Settings

Similar to Account Settings, Company Settings allow you to personalize your Bonzo experience and manage various aspects of your individual account. While many features in this section are more relevant at the team level, certain functionalities for SuperUsers can impact settings and features for teams under their account.

  1. From your dashboard, click on "Settings" to the left in your navigation sidebar, and then on "Company" under the "Company" tab.

    In the company settings team dropdown in the top right, you will immediately be able to select any team within your organization and jump to their company settings to review and edit.

  2. The fields underneath the team dropdown like "Internal Company Name," "Company Name," "NMLS ID," and "Timezone," although important for your account set up, do not filter down to the rest of your organization.

  3. As discussed in "Account Settings," in order to enable and enforce "MFA" across your organization, "2FA" must be turned on at the SuperUser level. Similarly, to allow prospects to send your team members inbound email attachments, "MFA" must be active.

    You will also notice the option to toggle company access to AI features. This feature is available only for accounts on our Token-based communication system. It allows accounts to use Bonzo Spark (our platform AI) for tasks such as transcribing and summarizing calls or generating campaign templates and event messages.

  4. Company address though important for you SuperUser account set up, does not filter down to rest of the organization, meaning this information will also need to be included when Team Leads are establishing their company settings.

  5. Managing call dispositions allows you to standardize the way your organization categorizes call outcomes, especially in an auto-dial session. By setting predefined call dispositions, SuperUsers can ensure that everyone across the organization uses a consistent terminology for call results. SuperUsers can also restrict permissions to prevent individual users from changing these dispositions, ensuring that the standardized system remains intact and all team members adhere to the same call outcome categories.

  6. Default Sender allows you to define and lock the sender switcher dropdown, essentially establishing a default rule for anyone who has access to a sender switcher tab. Either the message will send from "Owner" or assignee of the contact record OR it will send as "Me" whoever is accessing the sender switcher tab, usually a Team Lead.

  7. Email and SMS Disclaimer can be customized and passed down to your entire organization. Simply fill in the empty fields, but note that the SMS disclaimer must contain the word "Stop."

    It's important to note that these disclaimers will only filter down to accounts under your SuperUser account if the company setting (further down the page), "Lock Disclaimer" is toggled on.

  8. Sender Identification is a required setting for all Bonzo communications to new prospects. It uses "My Name" and "My Company Name" merge tags to inform new prospects who is messaging them. These merge tags pull data from the name and company fields in each user's account and company settings. Therefore, it is essential to ensure these fields are completed and accurate.

  9. "The External URL" and "Loan External URL" features in Bonzo are designed for teams that integrate with external systems. By passing a record ID from another system into Bonzo for Prospects or Loans, these features allow you to create direct links to the corresponding records in the external system.

  10. Email Archive Address is an email address that will be BCC'd on every email sent via Bonzo marketing server by users in your organization. Essentially acting as a company-wide email archive.

  11. Disabling "Call Recording" locks the feature for your entire organization, preventing team members from recording calls using their Bonzo number.

  12. When toggled on, the "Disallow Shared Duplicates" feature ensures that the same contact cannot be duplicated across different teams. It's important to note that, if during the import process, "Merge Duplicates" is selected and the "Disallow Shared Duplicates" feature is toggled on, Bonzo will assign the contact(s) to the last user listed in the import file, effectively transferring duplicate ownership.

    If "Hide Bonzo Templates" is enabled, users in your organization will not have any campaigns, pipelines, or other resources created by Bonzo available for access or editing in their account.

  13. When "Enable Global Opt-Outs" is toggled on, if a shared prospect opts out of communication from one owner or assignee, they will also be opted out of communication from all other shared owners or assignees.

    When this feature is toggled on, you can exclude realtors from global opt-outs, allowing them to receive communications from multiple users in the organization even if they opt out from one.

  14. As a SuperUser, you have the ability to disable the use of Bonzo Ads Manager company-wide.

    "Disabling Email Integration" removes all active email integrations and prevents users in your organization from establishing new integrations.

  15. Enabling "Listing Agent as Realtor Role" allows your teams to define listing agents as a separate realtor role type, providing your team members with more accurate tracking and outreach throughout the loan process.

    Finally, for accounts on our Token-based communication system, SuperUsers can enable branch-level management. This transfers the responsibility for purchasing Top-up tokens and setting team token limits to branch managers.


User roles in Bonzo specify permissions and access based on individual responsibilities within the organization. By defining user roles, SuperUsers ensure both operational efficiency and data security, making sure Bonzo performs effectively for every member of their organization.

  1. To create user roles within your organization, begin by clicking on "Settings," navigating down to the "Company" tab, and then selecting, "Roles." Here you will see the standard list of 37 permissions available to team members across your organization and a brief description of what the permission allows.

  2. To set up a new role and grant or revoke these permissions, click on the pink button in the top left, "+Add new role."

  3. Name the role according to your organizational preference (e.g. Management, LOA, Processor, etc.).

  4. You then have the option to select 1 of 3 system roles or seat types that are present in Bonzo (e.g., SuperUser, Team Lead, or Team Member). However, we suggest leaving this system role blank.

    This approach avoids the automatic assignment of roles every time a new team member is created and allows for greater flexibility across your organization. Instead, you can create various custom roles, such as LOA1 and LOA2, and apply them as needed without restricting them to a single seat type.

    For instance, the LOA1 custom role I've created allows broader permissions, making it suitable for management positions or team leads. Conversely, the LOA2 role is designed with tighter restrictions, making it better suited for regular team members.

    If you looking for more information on permissions including best practices scroll down and click on the button below labeled, "SuperUser: Permissions"

  5. In general, when defining custom role permissions, ensure they match the responsibilities of each role. This approach guarantees that all users have the necessary access to perform their duties effectively and maintain the structure of your organizational hierarchy. Click "Create" to finalize the setup.

  6. You can confirm that the role has been created and view the role's granted or revoked permissions by returning to the "Roles" page.

    Make edits directly to this role by clicking on the dropdown next to each individual permission. Always remember to save changes.

    You can "Edit," "Copy," or "Delete" the created role by clicking the three vertical dots or breadcrumbs next to the role name at the top.

  7. After setting up the roles and permissions, implement them by assigning the roles to the appropriate team members within your organization. Navigate to the "Teams" in the General tab, click on a team.

  8. Next, select a team member, scroll to the right, and click on the pink "Edit" button to assign them the new role.

  9. In this update screen, you can assign your team to each new role you have created. Scroll down to "Custom Role," select the appropriate role, and click "Update."

  10. In the team view, you'll notice the custom roles displayed next to each team member’s name and seat type. For instance, Bonzo Bob, our team lead, has been assigned the LOA1 custom role, which grants more permissions. Conversely, Molly Bonzo, a team member, has been assigned LOA2, a more restrictive role.

    Keep in mind, it’s essential to regularly review and adjust the roles and permissions. This ongoing evaluation helps ensure that the access levels remain aligned with organizational needs as they evolve. Additionally, provide training for all users on their roles and the permissions associated with them to minimize confusion and maximize efficiency.


Managing billing at the SuperUser level in Bonzo involves overseeing a range of financial responsibilities that ensure the smooth operation of various teams within your organization. This includes handling add-ons, managing user seats, teams, and overseeing token allocations.

Billing Tab Settings

To begin managing billing settings, navigate to the "Settings" section and click on the "Billing" tab. Here, you can view and manage various aspects of your billing.

Manage Your Subscription & Payment Method

To activate your subscription and handle monthly invoices, you must have an active credit card on file. You can add payment methods by clicking on the "Add Payment Method" button. Here, you will be prompted to enter your credit card details, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV. After entering your card details, you will also need to provide your billing address and a valid email address. When completed, click "Save."

This information ensures that your payment method is properly linked to your account and that you receive all billing-related notifications and invoices. Keeping your payment method up to date is crucial to avoid any disruptions in your organization’s access to the platform.

Invoices & Payment History

This section provides access to both current and past invoices.

The Invoices and Payment History page offers a high-level view of your invoice totals in list form, including any prorations due to mid-cycle changes.

Prorations appear on your invoice as micro charge-backs to your account.

Understanding Prorations: let's say your organization adds a new user seat on the 15th of the month. Since this new seat is added halfway through the billing cycle, Bonzo will only charge you for the remaining days of that month instead of the full month. This partial charge is a proration.

Clicking "Download" on an invoice allows you to view the invoice as a PDF and provides a more detailed view of costs, such as monthly seat costs and add-ons like pipelines and IVR.

Cost Breakdown

This feature provides a detailed financial summary for each team or branch, breaking down the invoice at a granular level.

This photo does NOT reflect accurate pricing.

For example, it shows if any additional user seats were added to a branch and if any add-ons were purchased. This detailed breakdown helps organizations accurately invoice their branches based on actual usage. To get an exportable summary of charges, click on the "Options" dropdown in the top right and then select "Download Snapshot." The snapshot will export the billing details at the exact point in time. You can select previous months to export the billing details from the 1st of months prior.

This photo does NOT reflect accurate pricing.

Tokens Settings

View the monthly tokens allocated to your SuperUser seat. You can manage token allotments for your teams in the section below titled "Token Allocation Templates."

Top-Up Tokens

This section displays any additional Top-up tokens purchased to supplement your monthly allotment. Top-up tokens are especially useful for handling periods of increased activity. Set up a one-time top up by clicking the button next to "Top-up tokens" OR establish a Top-up autobuy that triggers when a custom threshold is met.

Token allocation and cost is based on the per member seat price. Please note this photo does NOT indicate accurate pricing for every account.

Though Top-up tokens are traditionally managed at the branch level, you can purchase Top-up tokens to supplement your own monthly allotment or transfer the Top-up tokens to your teams for distribution. To learn more about how SuperUsers can transfer Top-up tokens, click on the button at the end of this article.

Historical Token Usage

This feature allows SuperUsers to track token consumption over different periods (week, month, and three-month views) and filter by team and user for detailed analysis. Click on the three dashes in the top right to establish filter settings for precise analysis.

To learn more about Tokens, click on the box below.


In Bonzo, add-on features can be managed at both the SuperUser level and the team level, each providing different capabilities to enhance the platform’s functionality.

SuperUser Level Add-Ons:

As a SuperUser, you have comprehensive administrative capabilities across the organization, allowing you to oversee and manage various add-ons that impact multiple teams. These add-ons include:

  • Pipelines: This feature allows the creation and management of pipelines for tracking progress and managing workflows across teams. It is a crucial tool for ensuring that processes are streamlined and transparent throughout the organization.

  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response): IVR systems can be set up and managed to automate and improve customer interaction workflows. This add-on helps in directing calls to the appropriate teams and handling customer queries.

  • Reputation IQ: This feature provides valuable insights into how your team's Bonzo number is perceived by carriers and recipients, and offers tools to manage and improve its reputation. One of the key functionalities of Reputation IQ is the ability to recycle Bonzo phone number up to five times. This means if your team's numbers get flagged as spam by carriers, they can replace it with a new one, while still allowing previous contacts to reach them on their old number.

  • Team Members: this feature provides additional team seats that you can apply to teams as your organization grows.

  • Teams: this feature will allow you to create additional teams within your organization.

Team Level Add-Ons:

Certain add-ons are specifically designed to be managed at the team level, providing functionality tailored to individual teams or users within the organization. These include:

  • Local Presence: This feature allows team members to use local phone numbers when making calls, increasing the likelihood of customer engagement. It is particularly useful for sales and support teams who need to build trust and improve communication with clients.

  • Bonzo Legends: This add-on provides advanced features and tools for individual users, enhancing their ability to manage contacts, track interactions, and improve productivity. It includes features such as advanced analytics, custom templates, and enhanced reporting capabilities.

By carefully managing these add-ons, SuperUsers can optimize the platform’s

capabilities, providing their teams with the tools necessary to improve performance and achieve organizational goals.

To learn more about adding and removing addons, click the box below.

Custom Fields

Custom fields offer powerful customization options for tracking specific information that may not be native to the platform but is essential for your organization and workflow. With no limit on the number of custom fields you can create, SuperUsers have the flexibility to create "Groups" and "Fields" to ensure that every data point is organized and stored.

Groups: found in the details section of a contact record, groups are the tabs (Mortgage, Recruiting, etc.) that hold additional fields and data.

Fields: found within groups or tabs, fields are boxes that hold the actual data points on your contacts (i.e. First Name, Last Name, Telephone Number, Email, etc.)

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to the "Company" tab, and click on "Custom Fields."

  2. Here you will see any existing custom fields and you will be able to add new ones, by clicking on the pink "+ Add group" button.

  3. Create a "Group name" in the empty field. Remember, by creating a group, you are creating a new tab under which to house additional fields and data. In addition, you can make this new group visible to all members on your team or provide access based on different seat types.

  4. Click create to establish the group

    Once the group has been created, click on the arrow icon to view and create fields for this new group.

  5. Click on "+Add field" and then enter a "Field name," which will be the title of the field (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Telephone Number, Email). The "Field type" determines the field's functionality, and the "Help text" provides information that appears when you hover over the field. For certain field types, "Options" allows you to create a dropdown menu that team members can select from.

  6. Once you've created your new fields and clicked "Create" this new group and subsequent fields will be active in the "Details" section of every contact record for team members across your organization.

    Simply navigate to a contact record and you will see a new group at the top with additional fields that you've created.

  7. Finally, by clicking the "Field Modifiers" at the top of your "Custom Fields" tab, you can manage fields across your organization by setting them as "required" fields or making them "read only" and not accessible for editing.

    Select the field you'd like to modify, click the pencil icon to edit, and then choose "Is required" or "Is read only." After your selection is made, click "Update."

Custom Statuses

As a SuperUser, establishing custom statuses allows your team to label, manage, and track contacts based on criteria specific to your organization. This functionality is useful for identifying and categorizing prospects as they move through different stages of a pipeline. Additionally, it helps create subcategories to differentiate between various partners, such as VIP Realtors with Diamond Status, Platinum Status, Gold Status, and more. This system enhances your team's ability to organize and streamline contact management effectively.

  1. Navigate to the "Settings" and select "Custom Statuses" under the "Company" tab. Here, you can create new statuses or modify existing ones.

  2. Click on "+Add Status" to create a new status. Establish the status name and create any sub-statuses that may apply. When you are finished, click "Create."

  3. Now, you will see your new status in your "Custom Statuses" and this status and any sub-statuses will be accessible across your organization.

    Team members can assign the status from their "People" tab by selecting the contacts and clicking the "Pencil" icon.

    Once assigned, this information will be viewable under the "Status" column in your team member's people database.

    A Team Member can also create an advanced filter in their "People" tab based on this data point to quickly view and take action on all contacts with this status.

Contact Types

Contact Types in Company Settings enable SuperUsers to create labels that help Team Members organize and categorize their contacts. These color-coded types, such as "Builder," "Realtor," "Recruit," and "Borrower," assist team members in efficiently categorizing, managing, and interacting with their contacts.

  1. From your dashboard, click on "Settings" in your sidebar navigation, and then on "Contact Types" under the "Company" tab.

    Here you will see any existing contact types that you've created.

  2. To add a new contact type, click "+Add Contact Type" in the top right corner.

    Fill in the blank fields for "Name" and "Value," then select a color for this contact type. The "Name" is what your team members will see, while the "Value" is the criteria you, as the SuperUser, establish. Since a contact type is essentially a label, the "Name" and "Value" can be identical, such as Builder (Builder). Once finalized, click "Create."

  3. After establishing the contact type, team members across your organization can assign the contact type by navigating to their "People" tab, selecting a contact or group of contacts, and clicking the "Book" icon from the quick action toolbar.

    The new contact type designation will be viewable in a contact's record under "Prospect Details."

    A Team Member can also create an advanced filter in their "People" tab based on this data point to quickly view and take action on all contacts with this type.

SuperUsers have comprehensive access to Company Settings in Bonzo, allowing them to set rules and manage features such as Enterprise SSO Login, roles, billing, add-ons, custom fields, custom statuses, and contact types. While some settings can be managed at the team level, many critical settings are exclusive to SuperUsers. This centralized control ensures consistency and security across the organization.

To learn more about the SuperUser, click on the box below.

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