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SuperUser 101

Discover how SuperUsers transform team management by creating roles, permissions, regions and more to drive organizational success.

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In Bonzo, the SuperUser seat is defined as an elevated administrative position that provides comprehensive oversight and management capabilities across multiple teams within the organization. This seat acts similarly to a team lead but at a higher hierarchical level, enabling broad visibility and control over team settings, data integrity, and user permissions. SuperUsers can configure and manage settings that affect compliance, visibility, and content creation across various teams, making this role crucial for maintaining organizational efficiency and ensuring that operations align with company policies and goals. Essentially, SuperUsers are pivotal in managing and streamlining communication and workflows across an enterprise, often handling sensitive adjustments to the system that affect multiple teams and departments within Bonzo.

Understanding the Super User Role

Understanding the SuperUser role is crucial for organizations aiming to expand their operational and strategic management. Deciding to integrate a SuperUser into your team depends on your organization’s complexity, size, and the need for a high-level of control and centralized management. Below are some important things to consider when deciding whether this role is appropriate for your company.

Primary Functions of a Super User

  • Oversight of Multiple Teams: SuperUsers have administrative access that spans across multiple teams, allowing them "impersonate" any account within their organization in order oversee activities and workflows.

  • System-Wide Settings Management: They can adjust settings that affect the entire system, such as compliance controls, visibility settings, and overall content management strategies.

  • Advanced Permissions Control: SuperUsers can assign or revoke permissions not only for individual team members but also at the team level, ensuring access levels are appropriately managed according to organizational needs.

  • Data Integrity and Security: They play a crucial role in managing data integrity across the platform, including handling duplicates and setting global opt-out preferences to maintain data consistency and privacy.

  • Strategic Implementation of Tools: SuperUsers often implement and manage significant tools like corporate-wide pipelines, ensuring these tools are effectively utilized across different teams.

Comparison with Regular Team Leads

  • Scope of Control: While Team Leads manage their individual teams, SuperUsers have control over multiple teams. This broader scope allows them to implement strategies and policies that have a wider impact across the organization.

  • Level of Access: Team Leads typically have access limited to their own team’s data and settings. In contrast, SuperUsers have system-wide access, enabling them to make changes that affect multiple teams and higher-level organizational settings.

  • Role in Data Management: Team Leads focus on the data and workflows within their specific team, managing day-to-day operations and team-specific settings. SuperUsers, however, ensure data integrity and compliance across the platform, often dealing with more complex issues like data duplication across teams and setting universal policies.

  • Strategic vs. Operational Focus: Team Leads are more operationally focused, dealing with immediate team issues and performance. SuperUsers, however, have a strategic focus, looking at long-term goals, platform-wide changes, and the overall health of organizational operations in Bonzo.

Overall, the SuperUser seat is more expansive and strategic compared to the focused and operational role of Team Leads. This distinction allows SuperUsers to ensure that the organization’s broader objectives are met through efficient use of the Bonzo platform.

Upgrading to SuperUser

For enterprise teams, the SuperUser seat and organizational hierarchy are established during the contract signing process. Non-enterprise teams interested in upgrading to include a SuperUser should contact our support team via the Resource Center (pink bubble) to discuss billing and addition options.

When you upgrade to a SuperUser in Bonzo, you will receive the SuperUser seat, which grants you comprehensive administrative capabilities across the platform. Additionally, you will have the ability to allow one additional person to sign into this account. This allows for shared access to the SuperUser functionalities.

Account Settings

Account settings allow you to personalize your Bonzo experience and manage various aspects of your individual account. While many features in account settings are more relevant at the team level, certain functionalities for SuperUsers can impact settings and features for teams under their account.

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Communication Settings

Communication settings allow you to customize and manage how you communicate with your contacts through email and your unique Bonzo number. Within this tab, you can start the verification process, which is essential for all new accounts on Bonzo and ultimately affects the deliverability of your calls and text messages.

While many features in this section are more relevant at the team level, SuperUsers have the ability to provide oversight, analyze communication data, and grant access to features that can improve team efficiency and communication strategy.

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Company Settings

SuperUsers can access and manage Company Settings in Bonzo, setting rules and establishing functionality for the organization. These settings include Enterprise SSO Login, roles, billing, add-ons, custom fields, custom statuses, and contact types. While Team Leads can manage some settings at the team level, many settings are exclusive to SuperUsers and can only be viewed and activated at this level​​​​.

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Integrations Settings

For the SuperUser, the Integrations Settings section is crucial for establishing seamless connectivity and data flow between Bonzo and external systems for your entire organization. With Action Buttons, Event Hooks, Webhooks, and API, you can automate processes, synchronize data, and enhance the overall efficiency of your operations.

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Importing contacts at the SuperUser level in Bonzo offers unique advantages, including the powerful capability to import contacts across multiple teams with a single import.

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Billing & Tokens

Managing billing at the SuperUser level in Bonzo involves overseeing a range of financial responsibilities that ensure the smooth operation of various teams within your organization. This includes handling add-ons, managing user seats, teams, and overseeing token allocations.

While your account may not currently utilize the Token-Based system, plans are in place to transition all accounts to this system eventually.

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Setting Up Team Roles

User roles in Bonzo specify permissions and access based on individual responsibilities within the organization. By defining user roles, SuperUsers ensure both operational efficiency and data security, making sure Bonzo performs effectively for every member of their organization.

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Implementing & Managing Pipelines

Pipelines at the SU level are designed to guide the flow of tasks and processes across different teams within your organization. SuperUsers have the ability to create, modify, and manage these pipelines to ensure they align with organizational objectives and operational needs.

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As a SuperUser in Bonzo, you have extensive capabilities to manage and organize your team. The Regions feature is specifically designed to streamline administrative oversight and improve operational structure. By utilizing Regions, SuperUsers can tailor their management practices to meet the unique needs of different segments within the organization, ensuring efficiency and adaptability. This leads to a more organized and effective operational environment.

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Content Library

Content Library, a centralized hub designed to streamline your communication efforts in Bonzo. The current version of Content Library serves as a repository for quick replies and message templates, including text, email, voicemail, and task messages.

A SuperUser and account owner will be able to see and share resources across the entire organization, whereas a regional SuperUser will only be able to see and share these resources with the teams they manage.

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Tasks & Reports

SuperUsers have the capability to monitor tasks across the organization and ensure that they align with broader administrative and strategic goals. Additionally, SuperUsers can deploy reports to gather feedback on platform usage, including metrics such as total messages sent, response rates, and the activity of campaigns and pipelines.

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A SuperUser in Bonzo is a specialized seat designed for comprehensive management and oversight within the platform. This seat is critical for larger organizational structures, allowing for detailed control over various team settings and operations. SuperUsers have the ability to manage user roles, configure regional settings, and oversee the distribution of resources such as tokens across different teams. They also have the capability to monitor and deploy tasks and reports, ensuring that their teams' activities align with broader organizational goals. With these controls, SuperUsers can effectively streamline operations, enhance communication strategies, and maintain high levels of compliance and efficiency within their organization.

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