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Artist Panel - 20th October 2022

Release notes

Jarina avatar
Written by Jarina
Updated over a week ago
  1. Open Jobs - Map View.

We have now added a map view option in the find jobs tap for an artist to see available jobs in addition to the list we have.

The artist can now view all the available job locations directly on the map. There is a button to toggle off/on the map. When you turn on the map, you can see the jobs in that location and by clicking on them will show more details on the job. Learn more

2. Settings - Date and time stamp in Profile invisible.

A new update on the last released feature "Active/Inactive profile"- As we all know, there is an option to turn off/on your profile in the artist panel/app. There is now the data and time stamp which means all the data and time will be saved when you have triggered the profile invisible button. There is now the date and time stamp that will have visibility history with the time and date. Learn more

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