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How to request a deposit

Learn how to request a deposit on Bookipi Invoice Web v2

Written by Cristofer Cox
Updated over 5 months ago

How to request a deposit

Add certainty to your jobs by requesting deposits before you start. You only need a Stripe account to accept payments. Please note that the deposit request feature is exclusive to users with Bookipay activated. Find out how to enable Bookipay to process invoices with deposit requests, and ensure that your country is on Stripe's list of supported countries.

If you have Bookipay activated, follow these simple steps to learn how to request a deposit:

Step 1: Select your country in the Settings.

Ensure that your country in the Settings section is selected correctly and matches one of the countries listed on Stripe. If you have already done this, please move on to Step 2.

a.) Click on your user icon in the upper left corner of your dashboard.

b.) Select Settings.

c.) Select the General tab.

d.) Add or edit your Country under Time & Region.

e.) Click ‘Save changes’.

Step 2: Create or open a draft invoice.

Click '+Create' to generate a new invoice, or open the invoice you initially drafted.

Step 3: Enter and review all the information.

Fill in all the necessary information or review the details entered.

Step 4: Click ‘Request a deposit’.

Select ‘Request a deposit’ from the right-hand panel on the screen.

Step 5: Enter a deposit amount.

Enter the Percentage or Amount for the requested deposit.

Step 6: Add a due date.

Choose the deposit due date by clicking on 'Due Date' and selecting a date from the calendar.

Step 7: Click ‘Save’.

Click 'Save' to save the information for your requested deposit.

Step 8: Click ‘Continue’.

Click 'Continue' to see a preview of your document.

After clicking 'Continue', the preview of your invoice will be displayed. You will still have the option to edit your deposit request details on the right side panel.

If you edited your deposit request details and you're not ready to send the invoice yet, select ‘Save'. If you are ready to send it and request a deposit, choose ‘Save & Send'.

Step 9: Click ‘Send’.

Once you’re ready to send the invoice, simply click ‘Send’.

Your customer will receive an email requesting a deposit payment, similar to this one. They can either check the 'Pay in full' box or leave it unchecked to pay only the deposit amount.

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