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Store Luggage
Where can I find Bounce Partner Stores?
Where can I find Bounce Partner Stores?

Store your luggage with Bounce in 2,000+ cities worldwide!

Mika avatar
Written by Mika
Updated over a week ago

At Bounce, we understand the importance of accessibility and convenience. With Bounce available in over 2,000 cities, finding a location near you is easy.

Here’s a quick guide to help you locate Bounce partner stores and locations:

  1. Go to our search page on the Bounce app.

  2. Enter your address or city to view nearby Bounce partner locations.

    The app will display all Bounce partner stores and locations near you.

We have partnered with a variety of local businesses to provide convenient storage solutions, including:

  • Dry Cleaners

  • Restaurants

  • Cafes

  • Delis

  • Hotels

If you have already made a reservation and need to find the store, follow these steps:

  1. Check Your Confirmation Email:

    Find the email sent to you upon booking.

    Look for the store name and address in the email.

  2. Use Google Maps for Directions:

    Click on the map provided in the confirmation email.

    This will open Google Maps with directions to the store.

  3. Contact the Store Partner:

    Use the in-app messaging feature.

    Go to your booking and click on "Message the Store Partner" to reach out directly.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is available 24/7. You can contact us at or via our live chat.

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