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Facility Management

How to setup Facility Management for your Venues and Facilities, and how to manage facility reservations.

Updated this week

Training Outline (Total Length: 105 minutes)

Part 1 - Venues and Facility Setup Refresher (23 minutes)

Part 2 - Availability (10 minutes)

Part 3 - Rental Setups (17 minutes)

Part 4 - Account Categories (3 minutes)

Part 5 - Adding Equipment (6 minutes)

Part 6 - Adding Fees (8 minutes)

  1. Watch Video: Adding Fees

  2. Homework: Enter Your Fees

Part 7 - Users & Permissions (19 minutes)

Part 8 - Reservers (19 minutes)

  1. Watch Video: Reservers

  2. Homework: Add Reservers

Part 9 - Reservations (coming soon!)

  1. Watch Video:

  2. Homework:

Part 10 - Approval Process (coming soon!)

  1. Watch Video:

  2. Homework:

Part 11 - Contracts (coming soon!)

  1. Watch Video:

  2. Homework:

Part 12 - Invoices (coming soon!)

  1. Watch Video:

  2. Homework:

Part 1 - Venues and Facility Setup Refresher

If you need a refresher on setting up Venues and Facilities, watch the videos below from our Getting Started in Bound training course. If you already have your Venues and Facilities setup correctly, move on to Part 2.

Watch Videos:

Part 2 - Availability

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Enter Your Facility Availability


  • Enter all Default Regular Availability at the Venue level for all properties your District manages

  • Enter any Availability Variations at the Venue level

  • Enter Regular Availability at the Facility level

  • Enter Availability Variations at the Facility level

Part 3 - Rental Setups

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Create Your Rental Setups


  • Create your rental setups for your district. In most cases you will have at least 2.

Part 4 - Account Categories

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Analyze School Board Policy and Fee Structure


  • Pull out your school board policy and fee structure regarding rentals.

  • Identify any classifications the policy may have that have different level of fees attached to them.

  • Create a category for each classification or group outlined in the policy.

Part 5 - Adding Equipment

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Add Your Equipment


  • Add the equipment, including personnel that have fee charges, for each venue and/or facility the district manages.

  • Remember:

    • You must have at least a rental limit of one

    • The system is not an inventory system. It will not reduce the number of items when reserved.

Part 6 - Adding Fees

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Enter Fees


  • Pull out your school board policy with the fee structure regarding rentals.

  • Enter all fees for each Venue, Facility or Space your district manages

  • Enter all fees for equipment, including personnel fees, where applicable

Part 7 - Users & Permissions

1. Watch Video:

2. Activity: Analyze Users & Permissions List


  • Take out the list of people you created during your Bound Academy User & Permission Getting Start module

    • Does anyone on the list need access to Facility Management?

    • What level of access do they need?

    • Add anyone who will need access when you look through the lens of Facility Management?

    • Add anyone who need access to facility calendar and reports?

    • Add anyone who need notifications?

3. Homework: Enter Fees


  • Take out the list you made at the beginning of this video.

  • Add or update user’s permissions for Facility Management (under Venues).

  • Add anyone that needs to receive notifications.

Part 8 - Reservers

1. Watch Video:

2. Homework: Add Reservers


  • Gather your list of reservers.

  • Make a plan on how you are going to roll out Bound’s Facility Management to them.

  • Add the reservers to Bound using any combination of the 4 methods shown in this video.

Part 9 - Approval Process (coming soon!)

Part 9 - Reservations (coming soon!)

Part 10 - Approval Process (coming soon!)

Part 11 - Contracts (coming soon!)

Part 12 - Invoices (coming soon!)

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