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Managing Reservations and Facility Request Applications
Managing Reservations and Facility Request Applications

How to manage new Facility Request Applications and existing accepted Reservations.

Updated over 2 years ago

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Managing Facility Request Applications

1. Click the Reservations tab, filter reservations by Submitted to see new applications, and then click the Edit button to review a specific application.

2. After reviewing the application, change the status of the application using the Status section at the top of the page.
Pending - the application has been seen but isn't approved yet,

Approved Awaiting Payment - the reservation is accepted but not finalized

Accepted - the reservation is finalized and will show on your schools Facility Calendar and Events page

Note: If you have many facility admins, or a hierarchy of Facility Request approval, admins can use the Administrator Signatures section to show that they've signed off on the application without changing the application status.

3. To generate a Contract for a reservation, click the Document icon on the reservation. Click here to learn more about Facility Reservation Contracts

4. (if applicable) To setup online payment for a reservation, click the $ icon on the reservation. You have the option of doing an online transaction (reach out to the Bound team about online payments if you have not already). Enter the total charge for the rental including all applicable fee's, mark to up-charge the processing fee (if applicable), and choose the payment due date.

Note: Allowing Cash Payment essentially allows the user to bypass the online payment process but still indicate in their account that they paid.

Managing Existing Accepted Reservations

1. Click the Reservations tab to see the full list of accepted and pending reservations. You can filter reservations by status, as well as by specific Reserver. To edit a reservation click the edit button next to a specific reservation, to view it's contract click the document icon, and to view online billing info click the $ icon.

Note: If the contract or $ icons are green, that means a contract has been generated or online payment has been setup for that reservation.

2. Editing Events - When a reservation is accepted, functionally non-competition events are created for those reservations dates. These events can be found on the admin Events page, Events Calendar, and on the Facility Calendar. To edit these events (like dates or times), we recommend doing so from the reservation itself and not the Events page. Editing in the reservation will allow you to see all the reservations info at once, and any edits made will automatically update the events on the Events page, Events calendar, and Facility Calendar.

3. Facility Calendar - Behind the scenes, your school has one calendar for all the events added, no matter the kind of event or how it's added. The Facility Calendar is the master calendar for all events happening at your school's facilities. This includes all sport and activity events, facility reservations, and any other kinds of events added to the school.

The Facility Calendar allows you to view by Day, Week, and Month, filter by Venue, Facility, and Space, as well as showing only Active Venues (meant for use with the Day view).

If you hover over an event, it will display more info about that event. If the event is a facility reservation it will show details specific to that reservation like reservation notes (door lock times, requested equipment, etc). If you click on that expanded view, it will take you to the page to edit that event.

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