There are 2 ways to copy meet registrations, but both provide the same result. Both option's steps are shown below.
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βOption 1: New Registration Button
NOTE: To access these pages you'll need to have the "Schedule" and Meet Entry Management" permissions enabled for your account. This link will help your AD or other school admin set those permissions
Option 1: New Registration Button
1. On the registrations page, click the "New Registration" button in the top right corner.
2. Towards the top of the page you can copy a Bound template, otherwise scroll to to the bottom of the page and you'll see sections called "Previous Year" and "Current Year" that list meets that have already been created. Click the green button next to a meet to start the copy process.
3. Enter a the Registration Title, and Registration Open / Close Date / Times. and then click Save.
4. Once created, the new meet registration with the copied settings will now show in your list of upcoming registrations.
Option 2: Past Meet Registration
1. On the registrations page, click the "Past" button, and then click the edit button on the meet registration you want to copy.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the Registration Info page and click the Copy button.
3. Enter a the Registration Title, and Registration Open / Close Dates / Times. and then click Save.
4. Once created, the new meet registration with the copied settings will now show in your list of upcoming registrations.