Tasks are only available for the Base and Pro plans.
As a buyer/owner in a retail store, apart from keeping track of assets and storing important information on how to write an order, storing a list of deadlines across brands is critical in receiving favorable terms and staying organized.
Creating a task
Like assets and contacts, tasks can be created within a brand card or via the Tasks dashboard. Creating a task within a brand card automatically associates that task with the brand. Tasks created on the assets dashboard will not automatically be associated to a brand, but you can easily assign a task to a brand card here as well.
Tasks can be assigned to another BrandKeep user, or you can assign a task to yourself. You also have the ability to create a private task for only you to see. Clicking on the assignee field will populate a dropdown menu showing a list of your Brandkeep users.On this list you have an option to assign a private task to yourself. No other BrandKeep user will see your private tasks.
Tasks features:
Name: The name of the task is what you will see when viewing the task from the Tasks dashboard and the Tasks tab on the brand card. Be specific when naming a task to identify the need. The name of a task is the only required field.
Assignee: Tasks can be assigned to other BrandKeep users. Click on the Assignee field to see a list of all users. Click on a user to assign the task to them.
Deadline: Tasks can have deadlines. Just click on the Deadline field and provide a date when the tasks is due.
Brand: Assigning a brand to a tasks is helpful when you need to see all tasks needed to be completed by brand. You will be able to filter tasks by brand from the Tasks dashboard.
Workspace: Adding a workspace to a task helps identify tasks that need to be completed within the workspace timeframe. If you use seasons as your workspace it's simple to filter and view all tasks that need to be completed within that workspace.
Priority: Assigning a priority to a task color codes that task to easily view which tasks are either high, medium, or low priority.
Notes: Tasks notes provide more context for the task.
Creating a task on a brand card
To create a task via a brand card, first navigate into a brand card. Next, click on the Tasks tab.
On the right of the Tasks tab click on the +Tasks button to open a pop where you will create the task. Complete the fields to your liking and click on save when finished.
Creating a tasks from the Tasks dashboard
To create a task via the Tasks dashboard, first navigate to the Tasks dashboard. Next, click on the Tasks tab.
On the right of the Tasks dashboard click on the +Tasks button to open a pop where you will create the task. Complete the fields to your liking and click on save when finished.
Completing Tasks
Note: By default, tasks are filtered to only show incomplete tasks. Once a task is marked complete it will not display on the tasks dashboard unless the incomplete filter is removed.
To quickly complete a task, click on the checkmark. This will fill in the checkmark and turn the task row green, identifying the task as complete.
To complete multiple tasks at one time, click on the multi-select checkbox for those tasks. Next, click on the actions menu and select Mark as Complete.