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The aim of this article is to help you understand the difference between the reportings.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

Reports allow you to find your data regarding your activities in a very easy and efficient way, and in order to export them.

  • Report on new members: This report gives you information about the members who joined during the selected date range.

  • Members' purchases report: this report tracks each member’s total purchases, total payments, number of purchased products and number of bookings on the selected date range.

  • Activity report: This report allows you to understand better every activity (group class) in terms of bookings, attendance, cancelations etc.

  • Workshops report: This report allows you to understand better every workshop in terms of bookings, attendance, cancelations etc.

  • Activities and workshop by establishment's report: This report allow you to understand the life of every session for the group classes or the workshops regarding the different establishments.

  • Activities and workshop by teacher's report : This report allow you to understand the life of every session for the group classes or the workshops regarding the different teachers.

  • Report about appointments: This report allows you to find the number of bookings for every teacher on the appointments.

  • Report about the sessions: This report allows you to find the margin value for every session and the numbers regarding the attendance.

  • Report about the subscriptions: This report gives you an overview of the subscriptions booked by the client.

  • Report about the reservations (group lesson): This report gives you an overview of the members' bookings with the margin value of every session by clients for the group lessons and the workshops.

  • Report about the reservations (appointments): This report gives you an overview of the members' bookings with the margin value of every session by clients for the appointments.

  • First session report (collective): This report allows you to find the date of the first session of every student for a collective class or a workshop.

  • First appointment report: This report allows you to find the first appointment booked by a student.

  • First presence report (collective): This report allow you to find the date of the first session for every student regarding the group classes and the workshops.

  • Pass report: This report allows you to find all the piece of information regarding the class pass with the card validity and the number of credits for every student.

  • Pass (appointment) report: This report allows you to find all the piece of information regarding the appointment pass with the card validity and the number of credits for every student.

  • Shop report: This report allows you to find the information regarding the shop articles.

  • Coupon report: This report allows you to find the information regarding the promotional codes and their uses.

  • Video report: This report allows you to find the information about the videos for every types.

  • Purchases report: This report allows you to find all the purchases made by a client taking into account the Tax, the coupons, the payment methods... Be careful, a purchase is not a payment ! An article can be bought today but payed later.

  • Payments report: This report allows you to find all the payments made with the transaction fees.

  • Basket report: This report allows you to find the information regarding the clients' orders.

  • Credit report: This report allows you to find easily the clients that have a zero credit.

  • Payments in person report: This report allows you to find the information regarding the clients' payments in person.

  • Payments totals report: This report allows you to find the information regarding the clients' total payments.

For more information regarding other tabs of reports,
go to the Reporting section of the Help Center:

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