When adding a new role or editing an existing one (for more information see our helpsheet on creating custom staff access), you have the option to grant or not certain permissions to staff accesses using this role. You will find below the meaning of each permission to help you create the role that matches your exact need.
Note that some permissions will be visible and editable on the Staff page only if the studio has the corresponding upsell
Navigation menu permissions
When one of the permissions in the navigation menu is not given, the related entry in the back-office menu will be hidden from the staff access
For collapsable sections, you can either choose to hide access to the entire entry in the navigation menu or only to one or several pages included in the section.
For example for the permission My Studio, you can remove permission to access all pages included in My Studio, or some specific ones.
AppBar actions
When one of the permissions of the AppBar actions is not given, the related icon will be hidden and not accessible in the navigation bar
You can either grant access or not to the Ledger, Notifications and alerts, and the message notification (that last one requires the Inbox upsell)
Session management
For each type of session (group activities, Workshops, and Appointments), you can choose whether the role is allowed to create, edit, or delete sessions, as well as view or edit sessions' notes.
Create: when disabled, the staff will not be allowed to create a new session of activity, a workshop or a new appointment
Edit: when disabled, the staff will be allowed to see the existing sessions but not to edit their details
Delete: when disabled, the staff will be allowed to see the existing sessions but not to delete them
View notes: when managing bookings of an existing session, the staff will not be able to see the notes related to a session
Edit notes: when managing bookings of an existing session, the staff will be able to see the notes related to a session but will not be allowed to edit them
Actions on members
Each permission in Actions on members allows you to restrict or grant permissions on interactions that the role can have with the members.
You can choose to remove permissions to all actions on members or only some of them.
Add a member: If disabled, all places in the back office allowing to create a new member will be hidden from the staff
See personal data: if disabled, the email and telephone numbers of members will always be hidden from the staff
Edit personal data: if disabled, the staff will not be able to edit the member's details in the member profile, merge members, or reset their password
Delete a member: if disabled, the staff will not be able to delete members
Search for members: if disabled, the member search bar will be hidden from the staff access.
Note that this permission still allows the staff to search and book a member when managing the bookings of a session, or to search and communicate with a member in the Inbox if the upsell is available.Access to member profiles: if disabled, all clicks previously allowing to open a member profile will be disabled to prevent the staff from accessing it. For example, it will not be possible to click on a member's name on the list of booked members on a session's detail or on a report.
See the balance of members: if disabled, all places on the back office showing the member's balance will be hidden from the staff
Contact members: if disabled, all buttons allowing to start communicating with members will be hidden. For example, sending messages via smartlists will not be possible anymore
Manage member notifications: if disabled, all notifications sent to members will not be editable or possible to create for the staff. For example, notifications associated with passes or group activities will be visible to the staff, but can not be added or edited.
The permissions in transactions grant or remove the right to perform actions related to the billing of a member.
Cash in a member: if disabled, all buttons allowing to take payment from a member will be hidden from the staff
Adjust member balance: if disabled, the Adjust balance button will be hidden from the staff on the member profile
Adjust member balance without generating an invoice: if disabled, the staff will be allowed to adjust member balance, but the button allowing to not generate an invoice will be hidden from the staff and the invoice will be automatically generated
See invoices: if disabled, all places allowing to see invoices (paid or unpaid) will be hidden from the staff. For example, in a member profile, the staff will not see the "Unpaid Invoices" section nor the Invoices and Reimbursements sections associated with a member pass
Bill a member: if disabled, quick billing buttons will be hidden from the staff, such as the possibility to bill when booking a member or on the member profile
Generate payment links: if disabled, all buttons giving a payment link will be hidden, preventing the staff to copy and send the link to members.
Cancel invoices: if disabled, the staff will not be able to cancel invoices on the details of an invoice.
Add a payment method: if disabled, when taking an online payment from a member, the staff will not be allowed to add a new payment method to the member. They remain able to select an existing one if a payment method already exists
Delete payment method: if disabled, if the member has payment methods saved in their profile, the staff will not be able to delete them
Apply a discount (refund): if disabled, the staff will not be authorized to apply discounts to invoices associated with a member pass
Convert to balance (refund): if disabled, the staff will not be able to transform invoices associated with a member pass into credits.
Apply manual discounts: if disabled, the section to manually apply a discount when billing a member will be hidden from the staff
Booking management
Group activities management
All permissions associated with the management of group activities sessions
Validate roll call: if disabled, the staff will not be able to validate the roll call of a session
Add members to the waiting list: if disabled, the waitlist button will be hidden from the staff
Create bookings: if disabled, the staff will not be able to book members for a session or to create a recurrent booking for a member
Cancel bookings: if disabled, the staff will not be able to remove a booking from a member
Delete members from the waiting list: if disabled, the staff will not be able to remove a member from the waitlist for a session
Edit attendance/absences: if disabled, the staff will not be able to change the status of members that are booked for a session either to present or absent
Edit member spots: if disabled, the staff will not be able to change the spot of a member who has booked a session
Edit program performance: if disabled, when viewing the statistics of a member, the “+” and “-” buttons will be hidden from the staff and they will not be able to edit the statistics
Workshop management
All permissions associated with the management of workshop sessions. They will grant the same rights as the permissions mentioned for group activities above, but applied to workshop bookings.
Appointment management
All permissions associated with the management of appointment bookings.
Create bookings: if disabled, the staff will not be able to book members for an appointment or to create a recurrent appointment for a member
Edit bookings: if disabled, the staff will not be able to edit the appointment time or the teacher of an appointment, nor the edit the recurring appointment section of a member
Cancel bookings: if disabled, the staff will not be able to cancel an appointment or a recurring appointment
Edit program statistics: if disabled, when viewing the statistics of a member, the “+” and “-” buttons will be hidden from the staff and they will not be able to edit the statistics
The permissions in the export section allow you to grand or remove the right to export data from the back-office
Export the calendar: if disabled, the button in the calendar settings allowing to export the calendar will be hidden from the staff
Export invoices: if disabled, the pdf format of each invoice will be hidden from the staff, preventing them from exporting the invoice
Export subscriptions: if disabled, when managing subscriptions from the direct debit page, the staff will not be able to print the current subscription
Export teacher's payroll: if disabled, the CSV and PDF formats of the teacher's payroll detail will be hidden from the staff and they will not be able to export payrolls
Export attendances/absences: if disabled, the staff will not be able to export the details of the staff attendance on the Attendance page
Export smartlist: if disabled, the staff will not be able to export reports of campaigns sent via a smartlist. They will still be able to export the general report of a smartlist, that corresponds to a specific permission
Export member's documents: if disabled, all documents uploaded to a member's profile will not be downloadable by the staff
Export reports: if disabled, none of the reports available in Reporting will not be exportable by the staff
Export smartlist general report: if disabled, the staff will not be able to export the general report of all campaigns sent via a smartlist. If the permission to export smartlists is given, the staff will still be able to export reports specific to a communication
Calendar and availabilities
All permissions granting rights to actions and specific views of the Calendar page
Cancel several sessions: if disabled, the button in the calendar settings allowing the cancellation of several sessions at once will be hidden from the staff
See canceled sessions: if disabled, the staff will not be able to hide or show canceled sessions on the calendar
See this week's overview: if disabled, the weekly overview available next to the list of bookings will be hidden from the staff
All permissions related to availabilities on the schedule of teachers, establishments and appointments
Add availabilities: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add available slots on any schedule
Delete availabilities: if disabled, the staff will be able to see existing availabilities on any schedule but not delete them
See the details of availabilities: if disabled, the staff will not have access to the availability details on any schedule
For each report type, you will be able to indicate if the staff can either create a version of the report, see the report or the different versions of the report if there are several of them, edit the report or the versions of the report, delete the report or the versions of the report
Product management
The permissions associated with product management allow you to edit permissions linked to subscriptions, passes and appointment passes
All permissions allowing actions on group activities and workshop passes
Edit: if disabled, the staff will be able to see all existing passes but not edit them
Block a member's pass: if disabled, the staff will be able to see all existing passes but not block them for any member owning the pass
Create: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add a new category, or a new pass in the Pass page
Delete: if disabled, the staff will be able to see all existing passes but not to delete them
Manage member credits: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add, remove, multiply, and/or divide credits to a pass owned by a member. The possibility to book a member without charging any credits for this booking will also be hidden from the staff.
Manage compatibilities: if disabled, the staff will not be allowed to edit or add compatibility restrictions to a pass
Add validity extensions: if disabled, the staff will not be able to extend the validity of a pass, either for all members owning the pass or for a specific member
Appointment passes
All permissions allowing actions on appointment passes
Edit: if disabled, the staff will be able to see all existing appointment passes but not edit them
Create: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add a new category, or a new appointment pass in the Appointment Pass page
Delete: if disabled, the staff will be able to see all existing appointment passes but not to delete them
Manage member's credits: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add or remove credits of an appointment pass owned by a member
Managing compatibilities: if disabled, the staff will not be allowed to edit or add restrictions on the compatible appointments associated with an appointment pass
Add validity extensions: if disabled, the staff will not be able to extend the validity of an appointment pass, either for all members owning the pass or for a specific member
All permissions allowing actions on subscriptions
Edit a contract: if disabled, the staff will be able to see existing subscriptions, but will not be able to edit their details
Pause all contract subscriptions: if disabled, the staff will be able to see existing subscriptions, but will not be able to pause them in the subscription details
Create a contract: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add a new subscription in the Subscription page
Delete a contract: if disabled, the staff will be able to see existing subscriptions, but will not be able to delete them
End a subscription: if disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the staff will not be able to terminate the subscription for a member
Pause a subscription: if disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the staff will not be able to pause the subscription for a member
Subscribe a contract for a member: if disabled, the staff will not be able to add a member to an existing subscription or to subscribe a member from their profile
Modify the passes of a subscription: if disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the staff will not be allowed to modify the pass associated with a subscription
Create a personalized subscription: if disabled, when adding a subscription to a member, the possibility to add a custom subscription will be hidden from the staff
Edit invoice dates: if disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the staff will not be able to edit the payment date for the next invoice of the subscription
Program the finalization: when disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the button allowing to stop the subscription after a certain invoice will be hidden from the staff
Edit invoice amounts: when disabled, when managing a subscription's details on the Direct Debits page, the staff will not be able to edit the price of invoices associated with a subscription
Studio management
Activities, workshops, and appointment management
All permissions associated with the management of activities, workshops, or appointments. For each type, you will be able to indicate if the staff can create a new activity, workshop, or appointment, and if they can edit or delete existing ones.
Teacher management
All permissions associated with the management of the teachers.
Create: if disabled, the staff will not be allowed to add a new teacher on the Teacher page
Edit: if disabled, the staff will be able to see teachers, but not edit their profile
Delete: if disabled, the staff will be able to see teachers, but not delete their profile
See payroll: if disabled, the payroll sections will be hidden from the staff on the teacher details. The payroll pages in the Transaction and Settings sections will be also hidden in the navigation menu
Subteacher management: if disabled, the substitution section in the teacher details will be hidden from the staff