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Give a discount on the first month of a subscription (membership)
Give a discount on the first month of a subscription (membership)

The goal of this article is to show you how to create a promotional code that applies only to the first month of a subscription.

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

1st Step : Create the promotional code.

In "Products" > "Coupon" > Click on "Add a code".

Fill in the form :

  • Name.

  • Code to be used by the client to get the promotion.

  • Value of the coupon: 100% discount if the first month is totally free. Otherwise 25%, 50% etc depending on your offer.

2nd Step : Determine the settings of the coupon.

  • Choose the pass related to the contrat that the coupon will be compatible with.

  • With or without expiration date.

  • Define the usage limit per customer and the total usage limit.

  • Select "Apply to the first payment only".

  • Choose how the code can be used in the advanced settings (optionnal).

Click on "Submit".

You can now communicate this code to your members.

If you need more information on promotions, see this section !

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