Step 1: Create a gift card
Go to the "Products" tab > Select "Gift Cards" > Click on "Add a gift card".
Step 2: Fill out the form
Click to add an image
Add a name
Add a description
Set up your gift card:
Indicate its selling price
Indicate the validity period in days (this validity period begins on the date the gift card is sent by email)
You can make the validity period unlimited
Check "unavailable for members" if you don't want customers to be able to buy it on their own
Select the available payment methods
Don't forget to click on "Confirm" to register your gift card.
The gift card activation email will go out on the chosen sending day + 10 min after the purchase time.
“For more information regarding other tabs of the Giftcards,
go to the Giftcards collection
of the Help Center.”