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Incremental invoice's number (sequential continuation)
Incremental invoice's number (sequential continuation)

With this article, you will learn how to modify the invoice identification number to organise the invoices chronologically.

François P. avatar
Written by François P.
Updated over a week ago

By default, invoices have invoice numbers generated without chronological or at least logical order :

Here is an alternative to the standard identification number that you will find on all your invoices. Invoice will have a numbering base that evolves chronologically as shown below :

The new format of your invoice name will be as follows: CLUB-2022-0012345-END

  • CLUB is the Prefix which can contain a maximum of 7 characters

  • END is the Suffix which can contain a maximum of 7 characters

  • 2022 corresponds to the date which you can display in the format of your choice:

    • YYYY: the year only

    • YYYY-MM: the year and the month

    • Do not mention the date

  • 012345 corresponds to the numbering base (number at which you want to start numbering). This can be a number from 1 to 6 digits.

To allow us to modify this identifier, please kindly send your request to with the following information:

  • Prefix :

  • Suffix :

  • Numbering base :

  • Format :

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