How to set up your Stripe terminal?

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Stripe terminal payments and how to set them up!

Kevin Bagayoko avatar
Written by Kevin Bagayoko
Updated over a week ago

Warning: The Stripe terminal is only compatible with the following currencies:

  • All countries in the Euro zone: EUR

  • United States: USD

  • Canada: CAD

  • Great Britain: GBP

  • Denmark: DKK

  • Sweden: SEK

  • Australia: AUD

  • New Zealand: NZD

  • Singapore: SGD

To set up this option please contact your account manager.

What is the Stripe terminal?

The Stripe terminal is a payment terminal directly connected to Stripe, our payment processing platform. With it, members can pay directly to the club with their card without having to give their bank details. The terminal is therefore integrated into bsport and the back office invoices can be paid directly with it.

Connecting your Stripe terminal :

Step 1: Connect a terminal

Go to Settings > Billing > Payment terminals > Connect a terminal

Step 2: Configure it

First of all, you can give your terminal a name. This will mainly identify which terminal it is exactly if you have several in your club.

Regarding your code:

On your Stripe terminal: Swipe right > Settings > Generate an association code (as the example below)

On your bsport platform: Enter the code in Terminal code > Connect

Step 3: Enter your club address

If this terminal is the very first in your club, you will need to enter your studio address to finalise your configuration!

Your Stripe terminal is now connected! (see below)

Pay via Stripe terminal :

To pay an invoice via your terminal, click on Take payment > Payment Terminal > Send to terminal

Warning: Only payments of a minimum of €10 will be accepted!

Thanks to this, you will be able to :

  • Pay invoices directly from the back office with the Stripe terminal.

  • Subscribe to a contract from the back office. **Warning** that this feature is only available in certain countries. Contact your account manager to find out if you are eligible.

  • Adjust your members internal account.

  • Register a credit card on the member's profile using only the stripe terminal. **Warning** this function is only available in certain countries. Contact your account manager to check your eligibility.

  • Apple pay is supported by the Stripe terminal as well as Google pay.

⚠️Warning: To pay with the Stripe terminal, it is necessary that it is connected on the same wifi as the computer on which you are billing.⚠️

For further information on billing options, please visit the "Billing" section of the help centre.

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