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Creating a bubble

Here's where the magic happens. Send bubbles to let collaborators know not only what you need, but when

Written by Tom Medema
Updated over a week ago

At times, we all need to gather input or feedback from stakeholders or collaborators to move forward on a task or project. Bubbles offers a simple, efficient solution for just that.

To create a bubble, simply start from our free chrome extension or by clicking the big blue button in the left sidebar in Bubbles.

From the top of the authoring experience, choose the team or space you'd like to save the bubble in:

Next, optionally enter the names or emails of people you'd like to receive the bubble. You can toggle individual recipients to be FYI (no reminders) or Assigned:

If you wish to leave the recipients field blank, you can simply record or attach your media, then copy a share link and exit.

If anyone is assigned, you'll be prompted to choose a 'Respond by' time. By default, this is set to 48 hours. Anyone assigned will receive smart reminders via email until the time is reached:

Give your bubble a title and optionally, add a message explaining what type of input you're looking for:

You can make your update or request even more clear by optionally recording a screen video, camera video, uploading an image or recording your voice:

Once you've filled in all the necessary details for your bubble, click the Send button and keep track of responses in your Sent folder:

When you have received the input you need, hover on the bubble and click the checkmark icon or choose "Close Bubble" from the ••• menu to move it to Closed:

Remember, if you ever need more help or have a question about using Bubbles, feel free to reach out to our support team. We are always here to help!

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